Flat worm eating fish


I am looking for flat worm eating fish. I want to avoide the 6 or 4 line wrasse as I have a firefish, clown and yellow watchman in the tank and worry about them being harassed since its a 30 gallon tank. Any suggestions for warsse or other fish that are more friendly in nature that will not have large bio load since i will be at 4 fish in a 30g tank.


Active Member
A better question is what copepod eating fish can you put in your tank. No Copepods= No flatworms. Once you get your copepod population down, the flatworms will go away, at least, mine did.

coral head

My red scooter blenny does a GREAT job at keeping the flatworm population in check. I highly recommend one as an addition to your aquarium.


Active Member
my sixline has no issues with those same fish you have listed, but it's also in a 90 gallon tank.
copepods are good, but certain flatworms eat copepods. get rid of the food sourse, get rid of the flatworms.
btw, i thought your post meant you had a flat worm that was eating fish...