flat worm exit > flat worms?


ok so i am being takin over by flat worms went to my lfs and they said that trying to buy a fish, nudi or what ever was very hit or miss ! so they said to use flat worm exit! they say its very avasive ! lie add the stuff and do like a 30% water change like 10 to 20 min later !all the flat worms dieing will end up killing everything ! so i figured i would ask you guys since you guys know everything! lol
i'll prob be orderin it tomm online they didnt have it at the store!
just lookin for some advise once again! i'll let you know how it works after i do it and if everyone survives!


Active Member
I've used it in the past and it works very well. Just make sure you remove as many flatworms as you can BEFORE doing the treatment. The flatworms release toxins once they die, so the fewer flatworms that die in your tank the better. During the treatment use a powerhead to blow through all the crevices to get all the flatworms. If even just a couple survive the tank will be taken over again. I would actually recommend doing a bigger water change, say 50%. If your new water is properly mixed even a 100% water change will not stress out your fish and corals. Also, make sure to throw in a bag of carbon after the water change.
Good luck with it.


I've used it, and it works great. As Viper mentioned, get as many of them out of the tank as possible before treatment; I used a turkey baster for the job. Then as you see their dying little bodies floating through the water, get them out with the turkey baster as well.
Good luck!