Flatworm exit


I have a question for people that have used Flatworm exit, most of directions i read say to run activated carbon in a canister, What if you are running a wet dry? where do you put it, do you have to use a canister filter, and by canister are they refering to the hang on the back small cheap kind or the big full system under the cabinet type.


turn off your filter, if you have an extra hang on back load up with carbon let run a couple of hours.Good luck on getting rid of the first time ! it took three times for me adding more each time, let it stay in tank for a few hours than use your carbon, if possible before adding try and blow water around and under your rock (power head works fine)good luck.


You have to be careful with how many flatworms you have. Get a 1/8" air line and vaccum out as many as possible. Use aturkey baster or power head to blow them out of crevices. The flatworm juices are posinous to marinelife. I have never lost any corlas, but my montis and my clams do not like it when I do a treatment. I have to do a treatment every couple of months because I too can not get rid of them. ALso the treatment can mess up your snails. I have heard the a green spot mandrin gobie will eat them. I am going to go that route the next time my LFS has a nice one. Good luck. ALso there are algae eating kinds and they are coral eating kinds. Mine do not eat corals so at least I am lucky in that respect.