flatworm grrrrr!


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Well ive got an outbreak of our little friends again; flatworm.
I had them about 6 months ago and used a freshwater agent called Myxazin to kill them. It killed them, but the fallout of the toxin was so great (there were millions of them) that my yelow tang died.
Before anyone mention - I cannot get hold of Flatworm Exit in this country (Merry Ol England) because it is banned under the illegal drug/substance act, as it includes a form of some drug or other, so i cant import it either as it will just get detroyed by HM Customs!
With this in mind, I phoned a fish store in London. Now as far as I can see the flatworms are only on 2 rocks, so i took them out (on his advice) and freshwater dipped them for 30 seconds. Apparently this is a good way of keeping them under control.
Now the point of this post is two fold:
1) any other ideas to get rid of them?
2) anyone any info on leopard wrasses or mandarins, as apparently they like to chomp on these fellows.
Thanks for your help,


Active Member
Man, you just keep getting hit with 1 thing and then another. I just read a post that you responded to about flatworms---you jinxed yourself! So, if someone here (US) would order FW exit and send it to you in the mail you think it would get to you? Just a thought. I have never (need to knock on wood now, literally) had them. I am not sure about the leopard wrasse or manderin. Are you even able to house a manderin? Is it a huge break out as before?


Active Member
hI gUYS,
I know, talk about jinxing myself!!
Nope customs are very adament that they will stop any FWExit coming into the country, several LFS's have tried. :(
Its not massive like before no, and hopefully i can keep it under control.
Getting hold of nudibranch's is almost impossible over here, and leopard wrasses are hard to get hold of too!
I cant wait to immigrate to the US and have the best marine tank ever!!! :D


Yes, I have them in one of my tanks (seems like forever)..I had a pair of mandarins that their only food was to eat them..they actually did a good job (but too many)..As they don't harm anything, I will not use chemicals, because as you stated, they are toxic to the rest of the tank when killed in great numbers..They are unsightly however, and I do plan on removing a chunk of my sand bed soon (which will take out prob more than 70%) and replacing it....


Active Member
well i cant see any today, but i guess it will take a few days to see if they multiply some more.
Thats a shame kip, i thought we could hire some colombian drug warlords to smuggle some flatworm exit (class a drug) into the country!!!! :rolleyes:


Active Member
From an old show here in the states called Hee-Haw. If you didn't have bad luck, you would have no luck at all.