FlatWorm problems...


Ive got a serious Flatworm problem in my 100G tank which i dont mind becuase they dont really hurt anything in the tank except for the macroalgae (which im trying to get rid of). Im most probably going to get a custom 380Gallon Reef but im going to be using the live rock from my 100G...How could i kill the flatworms wihout killing to much of the micro/macro thingys on the rock? I really dont want have a flatworm problem in my new tank.... I think they are dependant on light to survive as when i added a new MH they started becoming an invasion... Any Ideas?
Thanks Guys


k, did the research and it said that i wouldn't harm other inverts but how can i really be sure? Does anyone know how Flatworm Exit works?
Thanks for the help funkyman!


It is safe for everything in your tank except the flatworms. I treated my tank a few months ago and have never seen one yet. You want to make sure to do four things when treating your tank. The first is to siphon out as many as possible before you treat the tank. The second is to siphon out as many as possible when you treat the tank. They will start dying really quick. The third is to do a large water change after the treatment and the fourth is to run carbon. The reason you need to do these things is because the dead flatworms release a toxin. It is a pretty easy and safe treatment, and it really does work.


I'll make a bucket of water with the Flatworm Exit and every peice of rock i move from my tank to my new tank will be dipped and soaked in the bucket before it goes into my new tank and the tank will be running activated carbon untill all the rock has been in for a month just to make the transfer as easy as possible.