

I think that I have flatworms, and I was wondering if there was a fish I could get for them. My only concern is my tank is only a 14 gallon bio- cube.


Six Line Wrasses sometimes work, but it's not a guarantee. As a general rule, I don't like purchasing a creature for one purpose, because, what do you do with them when that purpose is fulfilled?
What else is in the tank? Can you post a pic?
I have successfully rid a tank of flatworms by siphoning over a few weeks, it can be done without fish/inverts or meds but you MUST be dilegent.


Active Member
I wouldn't get a fish, use flatworm exit. I was nervous about using it at first when I had flatworms but I tried it and it was wreaking havoc on the flatworms within a couple minutes. It was pretty amazing, all you have to do is follow the directions pretty well and it'll alright. Try siphoning out any flatworms at first, add the proper of FE, let it sit, watch the flatworms go nuts, suck them out, and then do a water change.