Flazboy, question on skimmer....


hey man, i have some questions on the Dolphin560 pump, i got it in about 3 days ago, i ahve the skimmer hooked up, but the pump isnt pumping much, not way its goign 560gph at all! and i dont have many bubbles, im going to do the DIY needlewheel impeler tomorrow, dont really wat to buy 100 bioballs just to use one! lol, but hey what you gotta do you gotta do!
but, is my pump pumping low because of the air sucked into the venturi, or is the venturi no good.
and for anyone else that might know, i am refering to the easy as pie euro reef skimmer DIY fetured on --......


Active Member
Do you think the pump could be messed up? Also are you running it externally or in-sump? Did you run a piece of airline from the venturi up like a ft. or so thats how long mine was. Also what happens when you turn on the pump? Does it just fill up the bottom chamber and not make it to the top. You might have to put a valve on the part where the water drains out of the skimmer so you can adjust how much comes out. Are you seeing a venturi actionin the bottom chamber? Also if your running externally is your pump external to? Also, I might be able to help a little more if you could possibly get some pics of the skimmer in action, the dolphin 560, all the plumbing to.:D


alllllrighty, well its in sump, i see some good venturi, good bubbles, yep i have airline tubbing comign up, flext stuff though, if that makes a differentce, when i look at the top of the riser tube in the collection ciontainer, i can see little water particles coming up, and today have water thats in the collection cup with a slite tint of green/brown, so i think i need the slime to build up and break in the skimmer until i get some real foam?
pics are comming up