fleebay mh sucks for coral color... need advice


Hey folks...When I first started my sons nano mixed reef I decided to purchase a 14k bulb from ---- and for only 10 bucks shipped I coulndn't help but experiment.
Well the bulb is great at helping my stonies grow but their color looks like ish.
My acro stag was initially a teal color with blue tips and has slowly converted to a greenish brown.... but is growing great.
my question is I want to get rid of this bulb and revive the colors of my coral and some zoas I have as well. Will the 14k phoenix hqi be able to accomplish this or do I have to go to a 20k bulb to make this happen . As for 20k bulbs I am leaning towards the evc tech 20k's. Any help would be great
thanks in advance,


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Im a big fan of Hamilton 14k's
I agree. 14k's are IMO a perfect color balance. My zoa's colors pop out pretty nicely.


that sounds good but will they be able to restore the colors to my stonies and if so what kind of turn around time should I expect to see results?
1 month, 2, 3? I ask only because I haven't gone through this experience in the hobby quite yet.. and to confirm are you guys referring to the SE or DE bulbs. I need a hqi DE..
Thanks again,


Active Member
Mine is a 400 watt DE-HQI...
All my suff looks crazy..I have the 400MH, 1x96 10,000k, 1x96 460nm Actinic..I like the look better with the 10k off better than on..seems to take away some of the shimmer effect..I might just replace it with another Actinic