Floating Anenomones.....?????

OK guys and gals here we go....I have 2 anenomes here that just will not use their footing. They basically flow with the current. Now I have turned them over and looked where the foot should be and it is fine. I put the 2 in my smaller tank for now so they don't accidentally sting my coral or fish, and they are doing the same thing in that tank. What is going on with them??
1 medium long tentical
1 Hatian purple tip
Feeding: Frozen seafood, Brine shrimp, Spirulina flake, and plankton
Temp. = 79*F
Salinity = 1.022....smaller tank 1.023
PH = 7.4........smaller tank 7.9
Ammonia = 0.15....smaller tank 0.05
Nitrates = 2PPM...smaller tank 0
1 15w MarineGlo 18"
2 20w Perfect-a-Light (come with the hood) 18"


The last condy purple tip I put in my tank didn't want to take hold immediately. You might turn off your powerheads for a few minutes and move the anenomie where you would like for it to start out and just kinda hold it there for a few minutes. This worked for mine after it started floating around.


I have a friend who had the same prob. She used a divider in the tank to keep the anenome away from the corals.
At the LFS you can buy plastic dividers to fit most tanks. I'm not saying they are not a pain in the ..... to use but it worked. Once it was allowed to float freely in the quarentined space it did attach. Good Luck


Your water quality isn't up to par. The pH is too low in both your tanks - should be at a minimum 8.0 but 8.3 is better. Also your lighting isn't the best to be keeping anemones - you need power compacts, VHO or metal halides. Normal output flourescent lighting isn't enough to keep anemones. Also your ammonia levels should be zero. Healthy anemones should not be traveling around your tank and will attached their feet. What type of substrate do you have? LTA's need deep sand beds to bury their foot.
Well I am working on my test levels, I know their off but not by too much, I got my PH up to 8.1 and ammonia is almost null(still fighting it). My substrate is an aragonite dsb (3-4in.) As for the lighting aspect I believe that is my problem due to their reaction toward a more intence light....what would you reccomend?