Flood! - Help



I just had my first flood! :mad: :confused: :eek: I topped off the water in the tank, and then was adjusting the Utube and overflow wall (to make sure I was getting enough water in to my waste collection cup) when water just started pouring out over the top of the tank! What did I do?? Usually the waterlevel in my filter is below the bioballs, but it did rise when I was adjusting the utube and the overflow wall.
I have also noticed that if my Utube might be too long. When it is straight up and down, it touches the bottom of my internal skimmer box, so I try to tilt it toward the box that hangs on the back of the tank, but if I tilt it too much I get too many bubbles into the tank from the input tube that comes out of the pump chamber. Any suggestions?
I will include a pic of my wet/dry.


gonna guess that the return pump was running when you adjusted the U-Tube? You may have broken the siphon while adjusting the tube and with the pump still pumping over-flowed the tank.
Been there, done that.


'You may have broken the siphon'
I agree. I did that the day I first set up.
Never had a sump before and I remember standing there watching water pour out of the top thinking to myself,
'Why is it doing that?'
Cleaned it up really quick and the wife never knew!