Florida Condi On Roids?


I added a nice anemone to my tank over the weekend. It was advertised as a Haitian and it, for the most part, looks like one. It moved into a place where it seems happy and eagerly takes food.
My question is, how big will this thing get? It seems to have doubled in size in four days. It is now nearly the size of my hand with fingers extended. I'll post some pics later this afternoon.


Here are some pictures. My lights give it more of a blue color. It is whitish. The "fingers" on it are as long as my own. The body is clear/white and the foot is bright red/orange. Is it a Florida Condi or something else?

mine as well has grown alot in a small amount of time, but i dont believe they can get as big as some other species. i have seen a LTA about the diameter of a soccerball


the one I had could spread out as much as my LTA there foot is smaller but when they expand out then by all means they can get as big as a lot of other anemones.
here is a pic of my LTA.


Active Member
if it is clear white, the anenome is bleached, and not healthy. hopefully it will recover if you lighting it is good enough and the water params stay consistantly good.


My other anmeone has been in my tank over a year. It is doing well. I think this one will stand a pretty good chance. It was small at the LFS and doubled in size in my tank in a day or two. I just found that strange.