Florida Condi


New Member
2 Questions:
Is a Florida Condi the same as a long tentacle?
What species of clown does Florida condi usually go with?


Long Tentacle and the Condi are not the same. I haven't had any luck getting clowns to pair up with condi, however my parent's were fortunate to get a percula to host in one about 12 years ago. I believe that to be extremely rare.


Active Member
They are completley different as the dude said above me
I myself buy them for my 75 gallon FOWLR because compared to other anemones i believe they are the easiest to keep and they last like 6 weeks because of my bad lighting, but while they last my maroon clown likes them, I heard that of clowns the maroon clown is the strongest and therefore can resist the stronger anemone stings of the condilactus. Soon once my 40 gallon reef tank that has lighting to hold ANYTHING!! is cycled, I plan on moving most of the stuff from my 12 gallon into there, and then moving my maroon into the 12 with a nice bubble tip anemone. I had a bubble in the nano for a bit but my tank-raised clowns wouldn't use it, so I put it in my 75 gallon FOWLR and while it lasted (sorry im an anemone-killer
) HE ABSOULTLY LOVED IT!! Also, the 75 hes in has a lionfish and two triggers so I'm sure he'll enjoy not worrying about getting eaten in my 12!


Active Member
sorry i didn't mean once its cycled ill add the stuff from my nanocube I meant when its ready for them, few months after its cycled.


I would go with a wild caught maroon. I have a wild caught gold striped maroon that currently hosts my condi.


New Member
Ive never heard of a florida condi until this site so I seen some pictures and it looked to me more of a long tentacle. Thanks for the posts, I appreciate greatly. :happy: