Florida Marine Aquarium 47th Anual Show pics

melissa v.

Thank you from all of us that couldn't go, those pics were great, BUT I KNOW YOU HAVE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
COME ON I'M WAITING................:rolleyes:
Melissa V.


Active Member
I have lots more pics, I left there today with a whole bunch of free frags, two books by Julian Sprung, a hammer coral 20 bucks a clam 20 bucks, a case of chemi pure 20 bucks, all the clownfish I wanted, and Coral Banded shrimp, a Great Time:)


what ever happened to the guy with the yellow zo frags in the corner?
thanks and the 12,000 dollar tank sold?
damn that is alof of money to spend in one shot.


Active Member
yes the 12 grand tank sold, it was a mad frenzy at the end, corals of super cheap, get em quick, I scored lots of cool stuff was up to 1am putting everthing away,


Active Member
Damn plum... that would have been worth the drive from Atlanta. That looks like it was a kick a$$ time. Geez almighty, if I'd known it was going to be like that I probably would have actually made the trip. And stop complaining... your big reef is put together quite nicely. :D Like that Hemi. :cool:


Active Member
Im not complaining, I know I can do better,many members have 400 gallon+ setups, with large coral propagation setups, very nice
A wealth of Knowledge in the club, not my clam:(


Active Member
Now, that's what I was looking for. A 350 or something like that. My 200 setup is cool, and although I haven't filled it completely with corals yet... I want a bigger tank. But I want both. I'd probably go back to aggressives with the bigger one actually. I miss them. :cool:


Great pics! I told my husband I wanted to go to that, but it didn't work out. Now he is wishing we did. Your tank looks great to me.