Florida Ricordia vs. Yuma Ricordia?


I'm confused on how to tell the different.....i also heard that florida rics will sting yumas if its placed near it. I'm in the middle of making a ricordia bed so i would like to keep my ricordia healthy.
Some of my ricorida have a more uniform shape while others, the ones i think are my yumas, have different bubble shapes.
Any easy way to tell the difference?


Active Member
I believe its the Yuma that has a distinct ring of tentacles around the mouth, I might have it confused though.

bang guy

R. yuma have larger more bulbous tentacles. R. florida have compact bead like tentacles.
Generally R. yuma will kill or even eat a R. florida if it's near it.


So i should keep my florida ricordia away from my yumas....also bang guy which do you like better?
Thanks for the help

bang guy

I like them both equally well.
FYI - That's not my Yuma although it used to be. It now belongs to another member of my reef club. It just ate a mini-Carpet Anemone.