Been studying liverock for some time and wanted to share about FL LR. Most places (email me if you want the name
Zanyzack2@aol.com) that sell the rock take great care of the reefs and have to or their permits would go away. Aquaculture does save our reefs, so please do buy aquaculture. Fiji rock, only a small portion is aqauclurtered, what some of companies do is get the town boys and give them masks and chizzes(SP?) and they get rock and throw it on the beach.
the rock is denser but the life on it makes up for it. I have servel pounds of it and all pieces are just filled with stuff, like corals and sponges and what not.
Mantis shrimp: I got one and it is very cool. The gulf and FL ones are suppose to be a lot peaceful then Fijis and Indonesians. My friend picks them up and sometimes the mantis hits him. Not hurt that much.
Anyway please buy aquaculture, ask before you buy and save our reefs.