Hi. I've been doing lots of research and since some of you have the same tank I have it may make it easier on me to understand what to do since the bowfronts are shaped differently than an average tank.
I'm going for a fish only (peaceful community...no aggressive or semi-aggressive) and am converting my freshwater to saltwater. I've decided to get rid of my Fluval 404 and my UGF (as I'm told its not really that helpful anyway) and keep my two powerheads (dont know the speed but I think they're MaxiJets) and add another two powerheads. What else do I need? I've read some are using protein skimmers or Red Sea Wavemakers, and what seems like tons of other things, and I am getting seriously confused. Money right now is not too much of an issue so I rather buy what I need now to run my tank appropriately and for the long run.
What do I do for lighting? Can I use my current hood and light fixture and will it fit a blue actinic light?
Are heaters not used in a saltwater tank because I don't see much talk about them.
Thanks for any advice anyone can offer me.