Flow help


Active Member
I need help. Ive got serious flow issues in my tank. Im getting tons of cyno in my tank... and i need help. What i have for flow is a mag 9 for a return from my main tank, and a maxt 1200 and a 900. Its getting so bad that its actually growing on the power heads. What i have available is a mag 7, which i could do a closed loop type of set up, but i dont know if that will work. Please help.


Active Member
yea... i guess this would help huh??? sorry thought i put them in there.
Its a 90 Display with a 20 sump. 95% of the corals seem to be doing fine and even growing.
Lighting is 2 x 250W MH w/ 2 x96W PC Atinic lighting.
Flow is 1 Maxi 1200, one Maxi 900 and the mag 9 throttled back some from my sump.


Originally Posted by PFitz44
yea... i guess this would help huh??? sorry thought i put them in there.
Its a 90 Display with a 20 sump. 95% of the corals seem to be doing fine and even growing.
Lighting is 2 x 250W MH w/ 2 x96W PC Atinic lighting.
Flow is 1 Maxi 1200, one Maxi 900 and the mag 9 throttled back some from my sump.
Everyone is going to tell you that you need lots of flow to PREVENT it.
If it's already there you need to SUCK it off of the rocks with a siphon.
This will get rid of it temporarily however it always returns.
This is what you need to do -
Buy this product called "Chemi-clean"
Wait 24 hours and do a water change.
Make sure you keep flow in your tank and you'll be all set.
Chemi Clean is safe for fish and reef and will not hurt your nitrifying bacteria. (read the box)
There are so many threads on here about cyano bacteria, do a search for more information, you will find that almost all of them end in "use chemi clean"


Active Member
^^hows you get all that to fit in that user tag under your name(or whatever thats called)?


Active Member
I do think you need more flow though. I'm not sure how much the mag 9 does, but you'll probably need more than the maxijets you have.
Just to give you an idea, I have 2 maxijet 900's along with a fluval 305 (330 gph) for a combined total of 15x flow in my 46g.