Flow... how much is too much?


I've got a 90 gallon AGA with 4 Maxijet 1200's and a Mag 950 in the sump.
So that's my question... I'm turning over sump -> tank 10x per hour but the 4800 gph on the Maxijet's is a lot of flow... so I'm just curious as to how much is too much?


Active Member
Include all pumps and skimmer and recalculate your turnover. 15-30x is great but some have upwards of 60x turnover. Really depends on the corals you choose.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Include all pumps and skimmer and recalculate your turnover. 15-30x is great but some have upwards of 60x turnover. Really depends on the corals you choose.
Including everything I'm at nearly 75x


Active Member
depends on what your keeping. i know people who have there flow over 100x per hour.


Originally Posted by Anubisxero
did you mod these maxi's? because 1 maxijet1200 only has a flow rate of 295 gph. =
Whew I knew somewhere my math was off...
I've not done any mods for them do you suggest any?


Originally Posted by reefpro
Whew I knew somewhere my math was off...
I've not done any mods for them do you suggest any?
they do have those maxijet mods you can purchase the kits but i've done the research on the cost and if it were between modding my maxi's I already have and buying a couple tunze nano streams i'd definitely go for the tunze. 600+ gph flow in like 5 or 6 watts of electricity and 360 degree range of motion. They're amazing. And they don't blow that tight small kind of flow like maxi's it's a nice broad wide flow which is much more gentle. Something to look into if you ask me. :)