Flow Meter


Is there a flow meter I can install inline on my supply line? I would like to know the "real" flow at the discharge point in the tank as opposed to the calculated value the pump manufactures give in there product tables. The reason I am asking is I am designing a new 175 to 210 gallon tank and want to put the sump and fuge in the basement and the plumbing run is going to be about a 15 foot rise with a few 90 and 45 degree bends in it. :thinking:


Active Member
I have seen them before, but for the life of my I cant recall where. Maybe check out a local plumbing store. There is also a very precise way to calculate it w/bends and such. Hopefully someone else will chime in with more info.


If you give me the inside diameter of the tubing or pipe you're going to use, plus the material it's made of, I can tell you the head loss you will have. You still then have to use the pump curve to get flow rate. You can always use measured containers and a stop watch to get the flow rate of a system that is already in place.


Active Member
I've looked for them before and the only place i've located them is aquadirect dot com, but they don't show a pic of them so you might want to check them out and give them a call!!!!!


Originally Posted by Weberian
If you give me the inside diameter of the tubing or pipe you're going to use, plus the material it's made of, I can tell you the head loss you will have. You still then have to use the pump curve to get flow rate. You can always use measured containers and a stop watch to get the flow rate of a system that is already in place.
Thanks Weberian but I am also looking to use it as a monitoring devise where I can log the rates on a continual basis. By checking the rate regularly, I can see when the pump would need attention for things like impeller cleaning, pre-filter clogging and even use it to generate a wear curve of an extended period of time.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I've looked for them before and the only place i've located them is aquadirect dot com, but they don't show a pic of them so you might want to check them out and give them a call!!!!!
Cool, I saw no picture either. I checked the Omega Engineering catalog but moocho denero needed. I'll give them a call and maybe they can fax me a print. :joy:
Thanks acrylic,


Active Member
I've thought about using a flow meter as well.....They use to be a little more common I think.......


Active Member
I've seen them at a large aquaculture supplier. From what I remember, they ran several hundred dollars.


Active Member
Yeah the ones I mentioned are about $70-$80 depending on flow range....Again not much help since they don't show pic of the flowmeter....Any luck obtaining a pic of the meter???


Not yet, I have not called them. I'm going to have to wait until Wednesday before I can get to it now.

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bacffin
Is there a flow meter I can install inline on my supply line? I would like to know the "real" flow at the discharge point in the tank as opposed to the calculated value the pump manufactures give in there product tables. The reason I am asking is I am designing a new 175 to 210 gallon tank and want to put the sump and fuge in the basement and the plumbing run is going to be about a 15 foot rise with a few 90 and 45 degree bends in it. :thinking:
I know the name of a website that you can check out, you plug in the name of the pump your using, # of 90s, 45s or what ever your using and it will give you the amount lost in the height your plumbing to, because of regulations you'll have to e-mail me , hummer1011@netzero.net


Active Member
He understands that he can calculate his flow rate, but he actually wants a device that he can look at and monitor on a regular basis to see what his flow rate actually is!!!!!