

If the tank does not have any rock work or places where the flow is not heavy then you could feasibly just wear them out - they do occasionally like to rest.


HOw do I know if i have too much flow? I have plenty of rock work, but i am not sure if i have too much flow.


If you have plenty of rock work then flow is not likely the problem you are having. Get all of water tests done and post your results here and give specifics as to what is happening in your tank. Also give specs on size of tank and what equipment you are using as well as a list of the inhabitants. With that info someone here will be able to give you a reasonable assessment of your problem. Good luck


Active Member
If your fish are spending most of their time looking for places to hide, then you probably have too much flow. Just look at them and see if they appear restless and are not completely exploring the tank. They will let you know when the flow is too much.


Fish dont really hide much. They seem to explore. I added an extra power head to get rid of Cyano algae. It worked, however, i have a ton of riples at the top of water


Active Member
i feel the same way about my fish. i think there might be to much flow as well. my other fish swim around alot, but my 2 clowns stay at the top of my tank around my uv, is that what urs do? but i know there is less flow around the bottom where the other fish go


Clowns are not big explorers. They'll generally stay near their spot, as if it were their anemone. They might occasionally venture out to have a look, but will mostly hang out in one spot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Clowns are not big explorers. They'll generally stay near their spot, as if it were their anemone. They might occasionally venture out to have a look, but will mostly hang out in one spot.
Agreed. My clowns almost never swim around.