Flower pot coral and requirements


I bought a coral called the flower pot. So beautiful. I have a 90gal tank with l0K lights. 100 lbs of LR and live sand. Take is cycled.
The coral takes over the tank and looks so beautiful but I just found out from my sister of is knowledgeable about corals that
this coral was not wise to buy. Does anyone have any knowledge of the upkeep or should I take this beautiful coral back. So sad.
Wanted to keep it. Looks happy right now but sister says it will die.
Any input would be appreciated.


Active Member
Its going to die- the only ones that I have seen survive for extended periods of time are in large aquariums that are fed with fresh sea water.
I would take it back before you become too attached


I took the flower pot back today. The sales person at the LFS said that they thrive in dirty water. Makes me wonder why they sold it to me to begin with.


Active Member
They usually die about anywhere from 6-12 months after you purchase it. Its due to the fact that their is something an enclosed system just simply lacks. I would never buy an elegance coral as well. Im not sure about goniopora but elegance corals thrive in lagoonal situations which are "dirty" water areas. Dirty just means that the area is much more saturated with nutrients that a system someone might have at home cannot control very easily.


I have one and my ex GF had one for almost the entire 2 years we dated the key we found is to feed every other day and keep them in a very high water movement area. Very into soft polyps and mushrooms so we both use iodine supplements and keep the trace levels higher than normal. A lot like the dirty water they are used to. They are very pretty and from what I have found easier to keep than some things. I tried my hand at anenomes and have killed everyone I have gotten most say it just depends on your tank