Flower Pot Coral for a newbie......


Active Member
Flowerpot corals aren't suited for captivity in my experiences. Most experts will tell you this as well.


respectfuly, i would say "out of your freakin mind"

Seriously though, my lfs has had 4-5 AMAZING ones in the last 2 months but i havent gotten them(despite all my wifes begging) because of all the bad things i heard on here. Id say every single one of the most respected members on here would tell you they are almost impossible. If im not mistaken, mudplayer, is the resident goniopora expert and even his have died off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
respectfuly, i would say "out of your freakin mind"

Seriously though, my lfs has had 4-5 AMAZING ones in the last 2 months but i havent gotten them(despite all my wifes begging) because of all the bad things i heard on here. Id say every single one of the most respected members on here would tell you they are almost impossible. If im not mistaken, mudplayer, is the resident goniopora expert and even his have died off.
I wouldn't say expert, but I did give mine 200% of my attention. The beautiful red one just closed up one day about 9 months after I bought it and stayed that way until it died. I gave the yellow one away because I couldn't stand to see another one die while in my care.


My lfs has an incredible pink one but i know it has no chance in my tank so otherwise id be $120 poorer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
My lfs has an incredible pink one but i know it has no chance in my tank so otherwise id be $120 poorer.

Wow! $120? How large is it?


very small, like 1"by 1". Its an amazing pink though. I thought it must be bleached or something but the color hasnt faded in like 5 weeks . It has started to recede some though so id say its dying. I havent seen it open the last 3 weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
very small, like 1"by 1". Its an amazing pink though. I thought it must be bleached or something but the color hasnt faded in like 5 weeks . It has started to recede some though so id say its dying. I havent seen it open the last 3 weeks.
Such a shame that they keep yanking those out of the ocean. They need very turbid water with pristine conditions, but lots of detritus which is almost impossible to do in the aquarium.


I was gonna try because i have a spot where alot of detritus from a spirotid worm hole falls. It puts out ALOT of detritus every day, most collects on the ledge where i suck it out but a small amount falls to the sand. I was gonna try to put it there but actually, your thread about giving up on them dissuaded me from trying.

john kelly

Originally Posted by saltaholic
You Pick......
Goniopora or Alveopora? Not for a new tank and not for a newb. Needs to be thoroughly researched first. Some species are definitely more difficult than others.

john kelly

Originally Posted by sufunk
very small, like 1"by 1". Its an amazing pink though. I thought it must be bleached or something but the color hasnt faded in like 5 weeks . It has started to recede some though so id say its dying. I havent seen it open the last 3 weeks.
If it is an "amazing" pink, then it is bleached (no zooxanthellae) and the color actually has faded (to a bright pink). It would be more of a rich darker pink or even toward a more reddish color if it wasn't bleached.
$120 for a 1" x 1" bleached, receding, non-extending coral is a TOTAL RIP :mad: ............somebody is just waiting for a sucker to come along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by John Kelly
If it is an "amazing" pink, then it is bleached (no zooxanthellae) and the color actually has faded (to a bright pink). It would be more of a rich darker pink or even toward a more reddish color if it wasn't bleached.
$120 for a 1" x 1" bleached, receding, non-extending coral is a TOTAL RIP :mad: ............somebody is just waiting for a sucker to come along.
All of the flowerpots around here are $25 -$35 for large ones. My guess if that they know they will die in the display tanks so they try to sell them cheaply and quickly. I know the one I traded in for credit was sold to a customer that same day for $35.


Surprisingly, corals seem to be more expensive in South Florida than many other parts of the country from what i read on here. I dont think ive ever seen a goniopora or alveopora here for $25-35. Almost all are $45-80 no matter how small. I woulda thought prices here would be cheaper than landlocked states but apparently they arent :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Surprisingly, corals seem to be more expensive in South Florida than many other parts of the country from what i read on here. I dont think ive ever seen a goniopora or alveopora here for $25-35. Almost all are $45-80 no matter how small. I woulda thought prices here would be cheaper than landlocked states but apparently they arent :notsure:
I think the problem is that gathering any coral or live rock off of the coast of FL is illegal... so being on the coast doesn't really help you out much, especially since the cost of living is higher there than many landlocked places.


I guess, youd just figure coral and fish would be cheaper here than tenn or say missouri but like you said cost of living must make it higher.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
I guess, youd just figure coral and fish would be cheaper here than tenn or say missouri but like you said cost of living must make it higher.
It definately does. There is a pet store called Emerald Bay in Brentwood, TN (one of the richest neighborhoods in all of TN) and they sell corals for $200 that would sell for $25-$30 at my lfs.


OK. I thought the "out of your freakin' mind" option was the correct one.

Just thought I would get all your opinions because I saw a BEAUTIFUL one in the LFS today. I thought I heard around here that they were a bit difficult.
Thanks for the input everyone!