flower pot coral



I purchased a flower pot coral two months ago and it has only opened fully about three times. Now it only slightly opens up. What could be the problems?


Where do you have it placed. How much light flow. Water prams. Mine likes medium to low light medium flow no direct hit from powerhead.


Flower pot corals are one of the hardest corals to keep not many survive in captivity, i dont know many people thats have had theres for awhile. The longest ive heard anyone i knew was like 3 months. Well anyways whats ur water parmeter we wont know unless u can tell us somthing.


New Member
There are over 20 species of goniopora's, and they are practically found anywhere on the reef. Some gonio's need intense lighting with strong waterflow, while others can do well under low lighting and low flow. It is almost impossible to tell where your goniopora was collected, so my advice is to start on the bottom of the tank and work your way up until it is happy. Also, make sure you feed often, I have notice rotifers work well or anything inbetween the range of 100 - 400 microns. Good luck!


When I was a beginner into saltwater, without doing research I had bought a flowerpot for my 20gal. I kept it for 8months. My 3 clownfish started hosting in it and rubbing on it..and it died after 8 and a half months. Really interesting colorful coral to look at though waving its tentacles at night and during the day.


I have my coral placed in the middle of the tank with 130 watt power comfact with some water flow from a power head. I feed it phytoplankton and microinvert along with essential elements. I have not tested my water yet. I did have it at the bottom of my tank out of direct flow and light. My tank is 50g.


poor coral to buy with a very poor track record in the home aquaria. Try an alvepora instead. These are a lot hardier. Flower pots need to be fed a lot to survive long term.