flower pot coral


I have received contradictory info on keeping this coral...what I am doing is leaving it in a lower flow area of my tank and I feed my reef Invert Gumbo, filter feeder food, twice a week. It is on the bottom of a tank that gets 4 watts to the gallon of non-halide lighting. Will I be okay here? Any expirence? The lfs said it would be fine, then I find in one of my books that it is not for newbies to coral. Thanks a lot.


Active Member
I have had mine for about 3 months now and so far so good. I know it will die so I enjoy it as much as possible. On a side question why don't people know how to keep this thing alive for a long time?

nm reef

Active Member
Gonipora is a very difficult to keep coral(long term)...they are readily available but seldom last long in our systems. I do have one and its been fine for close to 9 months now...I also have managed to keep a few alveoporas with limited success.....below is a link with vital information on keeping these delicate corals. I do believe that food source is a prime factor in keeping goniporas...best of luck with yours.
gonipora success?


Red vs standard Green variety??
I have come to understand that the red variety is actually quite a bit hardier than the green...Is this true??
Ref:Julian Sprung: Corals: A Quick Reference Guide
and several LFS as well
I have just recently purchased a red and it is due to arrive Tuesday. I am also told that the red do very poorly in shipping, but once acclimated if they make it do quite well. I did get a guarantee so I hope I didn't throw my money away!!
Any thoughts or input would be appreciated!!