Flower Pot

nm reef

Active Member
When my reef was skimmerless with a large gravity return refugium I managed to keep one healthy for about a year....here is a pic of it.

The coral has begun to decline in the past 3 months since I've added a sump and sort of large skimmer. I seriously believe that these corals are just not a good choice....a nutrient rich system seems to offer them the best chance for survival....but in all honesty I don't think mine will last much more than 3-4 months longer....it is slowly fading away.
I doubt very seriously if I'll attempt another. I do have some real nice /thriving alveoporas....Below is a link to some interesting information on keeping a gonipora.
Gonipora success?


Active Member
they are cool. my friend had no luck with it. i think you should invest in something a bit hartier


I have two red gonioporas, one purple goniopora, and one green alveopora. All of these are approaching the two year mark in my tank. I heavily skim; but, I heavily feed also. I can't tell you what the secret is; but, they seem to double in size in about a year. Here's a photo of my purple goniopora:


Here is mine going on 15 months now.. This is a old picture the coral is the siz of a cantalope now extended of coarse..
Plum Pot dude.. I would like to trade if you are interested,,,,


Here's mine...but I gotta tell you. I have an alveopora also, and it appears to be MUCH hardier. When anything comes near the flowerpot, it closes up like the end of the world is coming, and takes a good 3-4 hours to reopen. When a shrimp walks on the alveopora, it opens as the shrimp moves away.
This flowerpot is 8 months old, and going strong, I'm watching for the telltale deterioration that I know is coming!


Here is mine after 6 months. It is looking the same now as in the pic, but it used to expand more. Guess it is like most, and not going to make it for the long haul. Not planning on purchasing another.


That is a really Good Price if you see that it is not Receding.. I would check the growth underneath but be very careful... and also How big is it.. I pay 25 for mine. But I knew the guy well... I also think I got a good deal bein it is still going,15 months and chugging along ,and I do Skim heavily etss500 with a 2mdq LG I do Feed with respect to the skimming...
the first three months I did notice a slight tissue recession. Then it stopped and has grown considerably wrapped around the underside.. It is a gamble with these corals.. My friend bought noe and it died in two weeks.. Once it started to receed within 2 days it was dead.. So you decide if you want to drop 20 for it.. I can only give you my experiences with this and no advice.. I leard the hard way with the MARKET!! Ouch!! Good Luck with whatever path you choose..


i had one before. its was one of my earlier victims so to say. the guy at the lfs justs BS me and i bought it. it lasted 3 weeks. id like to get another one but im scared it will die.


About 4 weeks here and then the brown slime disease seemed to get it. It was my first Coral and sadly - I didnt do any research - just an impulse buy! I know now that I'll need a LOT more experience before I even try another one - if ever. Shame too, such a beautiful creature.