Fluke, popeye???


New Member
About three weeks ago my dog-faced sweet lips left eye puffed up, and clouded with what looked to be air bubbles in it. I began to treat him with a antibiotic for this what I will told to be popeye. However, three weeks later it's still here. So this afternoon I went to a very informed lfs; who brought up the possiblity of fluke (the fact that the fish had a affinity for the filter current was a tip off???)......(I think this diagnosis was right, I think). After a 3 minute freshwater dip, "scale-like" things could be seen dropping from his eye. Okay, sorry for the lenthy explaination: My question is where do I take it from here, he's in a hospital tank, receiving treatment with "fluke tabs". However he wasn't always confined; how contagious was/is this disease? Please help thank you!!


Staff member
I think TerryB might should take a look at this problem. Hopefully he will be on to respond soon, but, if not, I believe he also lists his email address in his profile.
Ed or Frank? Have any input on this one?
[not the other post where apparently the fish's eye is now gone]


New Member
Any help would be appreciated. I just don't know what to do at this point; I looks really bad!It doesn't have an eye!


New Member
Had the same problem with a Royal Gramma. Was treating with Maracyn 2, it didn't help. Finally FW dipped 3 times over 3-4 days approximately 1 minute each time. He didn't care for it, but it saved him. My Coral Beauty developed same symptoms a week later, one FW Dip and no more symptoms. So I think it may be contagious. Just my experiences, hope it helps.


New Member
I've also heard fluke is VERY contagious, and hard to get rid of (from LFS). So, here is what I'm thinking of doing (IF THIS IS WRONG PLEASE TELL ME); I'm going to remove all inverts, Live rock.......everything except the fish and treat the tank for 5 days. It's not going fun but, at least it should irradicate the flute. If I do this, are there any long term consequences? (I am planning on running fresh carbon 48hours after treatment)


New Member
Why not treat in the hospital tank? Try to leave your show tank alone. I'm not sure what the long term effects would be, but would be most safe treating in hospital tank. What are you planning on treating this with?


New Member
I'm treating my show tank because I want to get rid of ALL of any disease left in the tank; Also it's kinda my way of getting revenge (sweetlips died and he was my favorite) :(