Flukes, Velvet or what? Plz HELP


New Member
I have a Blue Throat Trigger, Arc Eye Hawk, Porcupine, Lionfish, and a 9" snowflake eel in my 120g FOWLR tank.
My trigger started to show ich-like dots, but smaller, on his body right after a kole tang died in the tank. 2 days ago I saw something on both of his eyes which looked like flukes.
My Porcupine puffer also showed the dots, but they were smaller than ich so I figured he had Velvet.
So yesterday night I dosed the tank with ICH-X and PraziPRO for the treatment of velvet and flukes. 30mins after I dosed the medicine, the flukes fell right off the trigger's eyes, his eye was looking good and everything was looking good so I went to bed happy.
I wake up this morning to find both my puffer's eyes are cloudy. My lion's left eye is cloudy. SFE and Hawkfish is fine.
My trigger looks like he had it worst, he lost some color on his body. It looks like his color peeled right off and it is showing some browinsh color. Is this because of the flukes? since the flukes were hosting his body, were they eating his body? The medication made the flukes fell right off his body is that why he color is lost where the fluke were hosting on the body?
Please help me, I'm not sure what disease my fishes have.


Can you describe the dots more? Take a good look with a magnifying glass. Flukes would come off rather easily with treatment. They would also irritate the fish's eye and cause body discoloration. Do you have a quarantine tank?