Fluorescent Corals

florida joe

Well-Known Member
For the entry-level reef aquarists looking for a nice start to their system I submit the following.
Generally easy to keep
These corals require no special lighting or filtration needs. In general, compact florescent lights would suffice. Moderate filtration and moderate water flow will keep them growing
Latin name Common name Fluorecent color produced
Sarcophyton ssp. Leather corals Predominantly Green or
Xenia ssp. Xenia, waving hand Somtimes red
Zoanthus ssp. Zoanthids Orange, Green ,Yellow
Corallimorpharians Mushrooms Green, Orange
A list of fluorescent corals for the more advanced hobbyist will follow


Active Member
not sure xenia fall under flourescent though? if they do, maybe i just never got the GOOD ones!!
i will wait till you post LPS before i add more

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
For the entry-level reef aquarists looking for a nice start to their system I submit the following.
Generally easy to keep
These corals require no special lighting or filtration needs. In general, compact florescent lights would suffice. Moderate filtration and moderate water flow will keep them growing
Latin name Common name Fluorecent color produced
Sarcophyton ssp. Leather corals Predominantly Green or
Xenia ssp. Xenia, waving hand Somtimes red
Zoanthus ssp. Zoanthids Orange, Green ,Yellow,Red
Corallimorpharians Mushrooms Green, Orange
A list of fluorescent corals for the more advanced hobbyist will follow
Also the larger "hairy mushrooms (both the purple and the green), don't know if they are Corallimorpharians or not,

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Randy my good friend do you think I have time to take pics ?

Indeed Joe, if you're going to start a thread like this, I think you ought to post pictures
I'll add a few when I get a minute. These look awesome BTW


so my 55 with a 50/50 flourescant bulb can house a type of coral?! this is good news. so i can get like a green ricordia?!


thanks joe you must have been reading my mind just desided that i want some color in the tank not a full tank of coral just a few for color no plans to upgrade light 4x65watt pc thanks great thread

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by pleasants9
so my 55 with a 50/50 flourescant bulb can house a type of coral?! this is good news. so i can get like a green ricordia?!
No, one 50/50 bulb over a 55 gallon tank most likely isn't going to support even these corals - although if you were going to try one, I would recommend the mushroom corals (not a mushroom leather). Unfortunately if you want to successfully keep corals long term, you have to pop for the expensive lights.
Originally Posted by florida joe

Looking good Randy
here is another pic I just took

Very nice Joe, love the orange/red combo you got going in the corner - bet that lights up nice at night under the actinics.