Flushing Nemo


Yep, that's the name of the speech I'm going to give tomorrow in my Communications class :p . I'll put the whole typed version of it up tomorrow (too tired now) but I'm just kind of proud of the end result. I feel like I will be doing a good job of educating some of the people who may just take a clown and put it in with their Betta fish or something lol. Dunno who would do such a thing but anyhow... I've heard of worse *cough cough* *****.
As I was saying, I'll let you all know how things go, and I'll make sure to post the whole speech up here tomorrow night. Wish me luck please!


Wow.... I bombed that lol.... Just got back, and I'd like to say that my speech didn't go so hot. My first sentence came out cool.... then I tried taking two sentences and making them one.... didn't fare so well with that. So, I sighed and started over. This was long enough to make my speech run over its limit, so I didn't get to finish (lost my conclusion). I'm not going to post my outline quite yet as I said I would, because I remembered that the website that I turn in a copy of it scans the whole internet to see if I plagerised. Wouldn't be good if I was accused of plagerizing my own speech, so I'll hold off a few days on that. In the meantime, I'll try not to be too hard on myslef lol. Thanks for those of you who wished me luck (I think it's hilarious that this has already had 90 hits because most people are expecting to find an ignorant person who put a clown in freshwater or something...) anyhow, thanks again - catch you all later.


Active Member
yep, that was my conclusion too. I was however releived once I read what you were reallly saying.
Hope things turn out better than you thought. I would rather have my teeth pulled than give a speech. I hate' em !!!!:eek:


i liked speech class but confidence is the name of the game. It's hard to get up in front of people and just talk, especially improving a speech from an outline.
Some good advice for next time, PRACTICE in front of a mirror or in front of your parents or even your fish and then when you do the real thing you'll have a little bit of experience with what you are going to say. I know your teacher probably told you to do this but this is from one speech to another, practice reading it aloud, trust me, you'll be glad you did. Oh and don't start over unless you like really mess up. Makes the speech go downhill from that point on.
Great title....Flushing Nemo....at first I thought this was yet another post about someone who killed a clownfish but was glad to find it wasn't.
Good luck in your speech class!


I feel you on the speech. I have just spent all afternoon preparing a speech for my communications class tomorrow. My topic is conservations of reefs and how this affects the marine hobby. I was going to post my outline and see what people thought, but you are right about the internet search. A&M uses it too and that would suck to get accused of plagerism.


Active Member
Anyone writing speeches or reports on the hobby or related subjects, and there have actually been MANY on this site.....my advice.......keep it interesting NOT impressive. There is no subject a person couldn't tell me about and not interest me, but if they go off talking in jargon trying to win an award.....you lost me. For instance........NEVER say the word "symbiotic" without fully explaining the meaning.....just my advice to the folks report writing and speech giving...Sorry it didn't go as well as you would have liked.....consider it a learning experience. Public speaking is never easy...
What's up with today......class projects are now cross checked against the entire internet for copying?? wow!:eek: :rolleyes: :D


Yeah Sammy, the universities are using a new program that searches the entire net for a plagerised speech or report. Pretty impressive really.


Active Member
I had a speech class. We had to choose what topics we would talk about, which was pretty much anything. For soem reason the guy who say in front of me in the class would steal all of my topics. I can say this factually since I was flirting with the girl beside me and would tell her what my speech topic would be. Then 5 minutes later he would go up and annouce to the class that hsi topic was the same as mine. After 4 or 5 times, I finally caught on. I have no idea why he would do this.
I am also a person that will talk to you one on one, get another person in the conversation and I will shut down. However I had no problem giving a presentation to 100 people at work. IMO the thing is to know what you are talking about and go up there and wing it. Do not read from your cards, use them for reference only.
I am sure that you will do better next time. Just don't think about it. Do it.


Thanks for all the advice and such.... but the thing is... I practiced in front of my girlfriend for at least 4 hours, and then a good 2 hours on my own. I think my main problem is that I do a lot of acting on stage, and I'm very used to having to memorize a script that's written well. It's not that I'm a bad writer, it's that I'm a bad memorizer. And when my memory fails me, I try to say too many things at once, and I trip up. I did have notecards, but I didn't use them at all... Anyhow, I think I'm going to go through the painful process of watching myself on the tape that I have of it now.... Not sure if I'll need to claw my eyes out and slice off my ears, but I'm going to do it. *sigh* Thanks again for all the tips!


Active Member
It helps to practice a lot and time yourself before a speech. A good stiff drink also helps....not enough to get drunk, that would be a disaster, just enough to relax so the words come out better. It helped me once many years ago in a college speech final. The final speech was about 40 percent of the grade. Talk about pressure. Lesley


Active Member
One thing that I learned in presenting things at our company safety meeting was if I wrote out a script and tried to do a presentation from that script, I did not do very well. However if I studied the material, and knew what I was talking about, then I couild make an outline of what I wanted to talk about. I coiuld then go up there with some brief notes showing the topics that I wanted to talk about and give my presentation.
IMO don't try and memorize everything you are going to say. Spend this practice time researching what you are going to say and then say it. Granted with my way you may miss a point or two, but the majority of your message will get through. However if you go up there with the knowledge of what you are going to talk about you will give a much better presentation than if you go up there reading a script.
I hope this helps.