Fluval 204


Hello I am looking for someones opinion on this issue I am having. I currently have a 30 gallon reef tank (slowly getting there). I have two rio 800 powerheads a bakpak 2 and the fluval 204. My question is it really necessary for me to have the fluval? In the chambers I have bio-stars, carbon, biomax ceramic rings and a bag of chemipure along with the foam for the filter. A little more about my setup i have about 40 pounds of lr and 2inch live sandbed and the setup has been about 4months. Once again thanks for the help in advance


You are close, but I'd probably add more LR before removing the Fluval. I've actually been considering the same choice with my tank. I've got a 55 with a 2" sand bed and 90 pound of LR.


Active Member
when i used to use the fluval 404 on my 40g my nitrates where high because of the biomedia it has, IMO remove all the biomedia you have in the fluval and add more LR into it


joker - Its weird you had an issue with nitrates. I'm using a 304 and tested zero nitrates on Sunday. I guess every system is unique, huh?
Scarface - If you can fit 60 pounds of LR into the tank and aquascape it so that you are happy I think you'd have much better luck. Also, without a mechanical filter make sure you aren't overfeeding or heavily stocking the system.


Well if I remove the fluval there wont be any more carbon...would that effect my tank in any sort of way negatively? Thanks for the help and advise again.