Fluval 404 users


How often do you change your carbon and rinse/replace the foam sponges? What other equipment do you have in your tank? How much live rock and live sand?
Reason I am asking this question is I am thinking about pulling the carbon out and go carbonless.
I have an 80 gallon tank with about 80 lbs of live rock and 4 in dsb. Several powerheads and a prizm skimmer.
Thanks, Marty

chris l

Marty.....I have pulled everything out of my fluval and use it like a powerhead. I never use carbon and have no problems. My tank is a 44g with 100lbs of lr and around 90 lbs of ls. I also have a refugium below my main tank to help with filtration. 3 powerheads in the main tank along with a prizm skimmer. My clams, LPS and SPS have never looked better.


Hey Chris. Thanks for the reply.
Now comes the honest truth and worry. I haven't changed the carbon out in months (6+) or so and have only rinsed the foam sponges probably once in the last 3 months. If I pull these out, (which I think I should sloooowly), should I be worried about the tank crashing?
Just don't want to do anything wrong (I guess I have already by leaving the stuff in there too long), but it is working and the old story of "if it aint broke..)
Thanks, Marty

chris l

Marty.......I took everything out at one time with no ill effects. The reason I took everything out is I had a nitrate problem and wanted to see if that was the problem. Don't know if it was or not but since then, 0 nitrates. But keep in mind, I also started my refugium at the same time. But as far as the carbon, I have never used it.


Thanks again Chris. I do not have a refugium/sump below my tank, although I would like one. Is your tank have the overflows or are you using the hang-on overflows?
I am curious as I would like to find out how to put one on my tank.

chris l

Marty.....not a problem. I am using a CPR overflow which hangs on the back. Let me know if you need anything else.



Originally posted by Marty
Hey Chris. Thanks for the reply.
Now comes the honest truth and worry. I haven't changed the carbon out in months (6+) or so and have only rinsed the foam sponges probably once in the last 3 months. If I pull these out, (which I think I should sloooowly), should I be worried about the tank crashing?
Just don't want to do anything wrong (I guess I have already by leaving the stuff in there too long), but it is working and the old story of "if it aint broke..)
Thanks, Marty

Marty- I replace my sponges atleast once a month and carbon the max once a month. this helps in polishing the water and had no effects on my corals. I also run a aqua c protein skimmer , 2 power heads 802's , and actually have 2 sumps running to a third
one , the total amount of exta water is 44 gals.I have a 90 glass tank with bulk head fittings.
anyway I find no problem with the 404 but change the filters and carbon once a month.
good luck
new fish don