Fluval canister........keep or toss???

chris l

I have a fluval 304 and was wondering if I should get rid of it or take everything out of it and use it for more circulation. I already have 3 powerheads running in my 44 so I really don't need it for the water movement. Reason I am thinking of getting rid of it is I can't figure out why I can't get my trates down. I have 45 pounds of live rock and wanna add more later. Thanks for any help!!!


I have a Fluval 204 on my reef tank and I'm extremly happy with the way it helps circulate and filters the water in my tank.I've been told that I have too much filtration on my tank but I've been told that you can't have enough filtration.I'm running on my tank the Fluval and an Aquaclear 200 and an Aquaclear 150 hang on the back filters as well as 2 powerheads.The circulation in my tank is outstanding,nothing gets caught under my live rock.It's your choice but I'd keep it personally.


I have a Fluval 304 on my 45 wih 3 powerheads and a Prism protein skimmer and have no nitrate problem. Do you change half of the bio-media at least every three months?


That may be causing your nitrate problem. If you've had your filter running more than 3 months, it's past time to change half of the bio-media. You should also change the carbon and foam pre-filter media. Even if it hasn't been 3 months, if you ran your filter through your cycle, you might want to try replacing the media to see if that will mitigate your nitrate problem.


I agree,
I also have a Fluval, 304..and love it...Have had no probs with it...What you might want to try also, is even if you do change out all your media, is ALWAYS rinse your sponges, (the white ones) once a week..week and a half...Alot of crap gets stuck in that and will increase you nitrates..Its a little of a pain, but it will help keep your #'s in line...and hey, no one ever said this "Hobby" is an easy one..
~Susie :D


i also have a 304 and like it. i rinse the canister and foam filters everytime i do a water change which is every ten days or so. also when i rinse the foam i do it in the old water. i never have had a probelm with nitrates nitrites.plus the water cir is good


Active Member
I ahve one of the older model fluvals and its a pain to constantly be removing and replacing media which I agree has to be done often. I use it only for water turnover and movement as well as having my UV connected to it. I now run w/ no carbon except occassionally . No nitrate probs.
i have a fluval 204 on my freshwater and hate it the thing really sucks and so does the impeller.for a reef get a emperor 400 their great

chris l

Thanks everyone for the help. So it sounds like most people say I should keep it the way it is, replace the media and clean more often.