FMarini Weaning Basket Question.


I am going to be getting a Fu Manchu soon and it will be going into a 90 gallon with plenty of places to hide. The other fish in the tank at the time of addition will be a maroon clown, and a coral beauty angel. I am wondering about using the weaning basket you have shown on RK. It floats at the top of the aquarium? Does that cause more stress for the fish, being up close to the light? Do you keep the fish in that for a long period of time?
Thank you.


I physically attached it to the sides of the tank so it didnt move around. But honestly you can use any container that allows viewing and water movement. The key is for the fish in the basket to view its surroundings and the other fish to view it. The basket is then used to train the fish to eat prepared foods, w/o the tankmates snatching food away from it.
My tanks never had intense lighting- so i cant answer that- but i would assume you'd want to keep it away from the intense lighting as well. I kept the fish in their for as long as it took to wean over-- frequently only a week or two, but one Fu stayed in for 2 months


The lighting at the moment is 2 t5 over 90 gallon, because I had a ballast blow that I haven't received the replacement for, but I can leave it only 2 t5 until the weaning process is over. How big would you say it should be for a fu manchu to not feel to much stress?