FO(fish-only) or should i go reef?


New Member
i am new to this hobby and haven't started yet. this site recommends that a beginner should start with a FO tank as opposed to reef. but in reading it also says that there are many beneficial items in a reef tank that make a reef easy to keep. so which one is it? FO or reef? can you keep a live sand and live rock fish aquarium with a "keep it clean" crew that is somewhere between a FO and a reef tank? My thinking is that this might be the way to go or am i missing something? any help or suggestions would be great!


I was told the same thing about the fish only thing. So here I am 4 years later with still the same thing..Until tonight based on advice from someone else I just added a large piece of live rock, mostly to keep my tangs happy and they do wonders for the water quality. This is the most facinating thing I have ever seen (well as facinating as a rock can be anyway) Perhaps it doesn't have to be one or the other because I now have a combo deal going and am liking it. Excuse me I have to go watch my rock ( and all the creatures on it) some more. Good Luck


New Member
I posted a question about reef additives recently. Note that you will have to add a lot of additional chemicals with live rock and corals that you did not need to add with a FO tank, such as calcium, strontium, etc. You should already be adding iodine for the fish. Do some more research before "diving in".


I agree about the rock thing - it is so awesome to watch stuff grow on the rock. I don't think it is any harder either. I don't add additives other than waste control sometimes, but I'm not the most experienced saltwater person so I agree about the research idea. But, IMHO, go for it! FO is nowhere near as fun!

the rock

the rock says....
it depends on what you like, most people that are really into their tanks would much rather keep a reef tank because there is so much going on. but if it is something that you just want to keep simple then go FO.
We have had our tank for about 8 months, never had a salt tank and went right to a reef tank with lots of live rock, corals and fish. I enjoy watching things grow on the rock. The only mistake we made is too many fish causing alot of waste and killing off coral by picking at it (angels). So you can have it all by maybe keeping less fish. We dive and our tank takes us on vacation whenever we look at it.
Originally posted by DL:
i am new to this hobby and haven't started yet. this site recommends that a beginner should start with a FO tank as opposed to reef. but in reading it also says that there are many beneficial items in a reef tank that make a reef easy to keep. so which one is it? FO or reef? can you keep a live sand and live rock fish aquarium with a "keep it clean" crew that is somewhere between a FO and a reef tank? My thinking is that this might be the way to go or am i missing something? any help or suggestions would be great!


New Member
I would start out with the FO at first but with a twist. Add about a pound of live rock to every 5 gals. of water, it will help maintain water quality, and provide a natural food source for many of the fish you might keep. If you plan to go reef put agronite sand on the bottom at 1-1 1/2 lbs. per gallon this will naturally add many of the chemicals mentioned above, including calcium, stronitium, and magnese. Have fun with it which ever you decide!