FO tank, couple filtration ?'s


I currently have a 55 gallon FO tank with a Picasso Trigger, Niger Trigger, 2 Domino Damsels, and a Yellowtail damsel. I was wondering if I could do away with one of my filters. I will be setting up another tank and I was hoping to use some of my current equipment if possible. I am currently using:
Prizm Deluxe Skimmer
Emperor 400 Bio Wheel
HOT Magnum 250 Canister Filter
Would it be ok to take out the canister filter and replace it with a powerhead? If so, what would you suggest for powerheads?

barry cuda

I sure wouldn't, at least not without removing at least one of the triggers. That tank is definitely overstocked with two triggers and 3 damsels in it.



Originally posted by FLATZBOY
I would ditch the canister and biowheel and geta wet/dry or make one out of like a 20 gal.

I'm still somewhat new to saltwater, but what are the advantages of a wet/dry system over what I currenlty have. Also how exactly do they work? Still learning :)


Active Member
The advantages are an increase in water volume, the trickle filter, the ability to add a large, in sump protein skimmer and also to add filtration items that would look ugly hanging off of the back of yer tank, like, for instance, a uv sterilizer, or a an ro unit top off system, although i doubt ud handle a top off system. They are risky somewat, but if u take the right precautions, use the right sytem, and get a good skimmer, the benefits are great. Here is a pic of my setup for my 55....
There is room at the top to put in a filter pad (like, for removing ammonia and stuff, i forget wat theyre called) The overflow box uses a sponge prefilter that filters out large particles of waste before it goes down to the filter. Then, before going to the trikle filter, u can also put in a huge filter pad. Then there are the bioballs, then you can stuff in more material like carbon or felt in the little opening to the main chamber (not "stuff it", just put it in for water clarification) And then u can put a protein skimmer in the main chamber, plus the return pump, and get maybe like a 12 watt hang-on uv sterilizer to hang on the side of the filter. I have all of that in mine, except for the big filter pad (polyfilter, thats it) But they can be expensive. If I havent answered all yer questions, then email me. :D


I have a 125gallon FO tank with an eight inch Grouper and 5 other 4 inch fish in it and I am running an emperor 400 and a penguin 330. The guy I bought the tank from had used this set up for 2 years before I bought it. I am probably going to switch over to two Magnum 350's, but only for visual purposes (see through tank).