FO vs. Reef Tank


New Member
I wanted to know your pros and cons for each thing and which one you think is better, im not sure which one to do....thanks.
P.S. Im happy to be a new member!


Active Member
First off welcome to the board post any questions and we'll be happy to help.
Reef Pros:
Beautiful Corals
You Can make money fragging corals if you ever get to.
Cooler Starfish Then FO Starfish IMO
More Variety
Reef Cons:
Cost More
Have To Have Better Lighting
Need A bit more of equipment
Harder To treat diseases
Fish Only Pros:
Easier to treat diseases
Cant keep inverts unless with safe fish with inverts
Fish only Cons:
No Corals
Not as much variety


Great post, Logan.
And Dolphena, welcome. You have asked the essential question all of us made at some time. I gather, just from your asking, that you like corals and such. Ask yourself where your budget is at, and how much devotion you want to give to your tank. This may piont your nose in some clearer direction.


New Member
Thanks for the leaning towards FOWLR for now because it is easier for me a newbie and the cost is cheaper. Isnt it possible to change a FOWLR to a reef later on...if i change the lighting and such?
it's very possible...keep in mind that when doing your fowlr you either want to keep fish that can stay in a reef or fish that you can take back once you are more experienced and begin the reef


If your new at this hobby, yes, go with FOWLR. Reef will be very tricky for a begginger. How big is your aquarium?


Active Member
Of course you know you won't really be happy until you have both at the same time.
Just like patato chips, can't settle for just one;)
Good Luck in your choice. My recommendation, go FOWLR first and community fish. Get the hang of marine tanks. Your upgrade to reef will then only be lighting and inverts.


Active Member
mine started out as fowlr then switched to reef. But I only keep easy corals like polyps, mushrooms, and stuff like that.


Active Member
good choice but just keep in mind your budget because although you may think you ahve enough money to start it but things go wrong quickly and usually happen when u can't afford htings to go wrong. I would recommend to start simply with a FO tank and then add the little bit of live rock later on. I don't believe it is possible to become an expert on salt tanks but you have to start slow and at a steady pace. If you do decide to go for the FOWLR, I would recommend taking it extremely slow. I would pick your fish carefully before you buy and I know this is hippocritical advice but make sure you research highly until you are certain the Fish/Coral/invert is perfect for your tank. GL