foggy tank =bad for fish?


Active Member
i bought 2 tiny tiny chromiis one blue and one green
i added more sand and my tank is cloudy again (this is a new 12 gallon i have set up.. my moms tank) well can i add them eveb though that the tank is cloudy? there isnt any live rock in it yet cus well money seems to staying in my pocket to buy that new 75 gallon for 300 bucks in the store. well i have baserock in there for cover but just wondering :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
how did u put the new sand in inside the tank?
poured it in. there was minmal sand in there liek 2 lbs so i pored the rest in a few weeks later..(today and now its cloudy still and am wondering if i can add my 2 chromis?

reef diver

Active Member
No offence, but it seems bill, that u have a lotta things backwards in what ur doing, howmuch research did u do before you starte yourfirst tank. Also, live rock always goes in before sand, because if you have burrowing gobies, the rock doesnt fall and crush them when they burrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
No offence, but it seems bill, that u have a lotta things backwards in what ur doing, howmuch research did u do before you starte yourfirst tank. Also, live rock always goes in before sand, because if you have burrowing gobies, the rock doesnt fall and crush them when they burrow.
lol there arent fish in the tank it cleared up so its not a big deal and this is my 2nd salt tank and i had no rock in it i wasnt sure why i said that there was rock in it if i did maybe cus i put some in when i put the sand in there from my bigger tank? anyways a lotta things backwards.. like what
i have never encountered this i wasnt sure if it was bad for their gills
it is live sand from the ocean bottom of a reef in puerto rico or florida or something like that but in my bigger tank i used arognite sand then put in more live sand considering argonite sand is dead i believe.
well this one has all live sand and i used this sand in my larger tank and it cleared in minutes so i thought that i could buy a chromis or 2 so i did and why they were acllimating it would clear up
any ways they are well


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Nothing is ever a big deal for our boy Bill is it?
can i have simple explenation WHY you keep reading my threads... i appreciate that it isnt a rude comment this time but if you dislike me so much then why in the world do you keep coming back to my threads and ruin my day? please just reply to my threads


Active Member
u shouldve put the sand inside ur tank little by little
i took a cup and filled it wit sand and slowly put the cup to the bottom of the tank slowly spilled it out
but if u just poured the sand like a huge avalanch lol mayb thats wats rong u must have made a huge sand cloud i hope it clears up
also 10% water cahnges help a lot

reef diver

Active Member
Well, what I meant by backwards, and dont take offence to this, is you set up your tank, then ask questions, not the other way around. Sorta like youre wanting to get another mandarin even though one is being harrased, PLEASE DONT TAKE OFFENCE TO THIS IM JUST TRYING TO HELP please? And GSD why do you like to ruin other peoples days, its just rude, would youlike me to ruin your day, I think not! And I find people like you GSD who are stupid enough to think like you do are CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT!!!! FYI, Im a nerd in school, who seems to be some of he cheap entertainment in school, and I dont like it.


New Member
What kind of research (if any) have you done?? First off your suppose to wash the sand and if its live sand DONT WASH IT. Because that kills the bacteria making it dead sand =)). Your suppose to put the sand THEN the water. Not the water first.


bill, consider the source. GSD obviously is suffering from a cronic lack of self esteem and functioning brain cells. Look what he put for a location 'under a bridge'. Please! He is one of those we have to endure when dealing with the public. You know, the bully on the playground that has to try to run down good people to make him feel better about himself!


Originally Posted by RCBruce
bill, consider the source. GSD obviously is suffering from a cronic lack of self esteem and functioning brain cells. Look what he put for a location 'under a bridge'. Please! He is one of those we have to endure when dealing with the public. You know, the bully on the playground that has to try to run down good people to make him feel better about himself!
Up your ass bruce.......your not any better than anyone else since you like to throw yur dog off the porch into the mud go tell your mommy she was calling you jerkoff! Bill is still a jerk..with no regard for wildlife, and more than a few bricks short of a full load when it comes to commn sense.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Well, what I meant by backwards, and dont take offence to this, is you set up your tank, then ask questions, not the other way around. Sorta like youre wanting to get another mandarin even though one is being harrased, PLEASE DONT TAKE OFFENCE TO THIS IM JUST TRYING TO HELP please? And GSD why do you like to ruin other peoples days, its just rude, would youlike me to ruin your day, I think not! And I find people like you GSD who are stupid enough to think like you do are CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT!!!! FYI, Im a nerd in school, who seems to be some of he cheap entertainment in school, and I dont like it.
Seems like more and more so called students are kind of dumbed down fit the bill no pun intended as more of that cheap entertainment........and lack of common sense, only emphatuated with oneself......


Hey Bruce. thats your opinion and your entitled to it. So do not try and deprive me of my right to believe Bill is an idiot that does not have common sense or the ability to follow directions. He is just a person that goes off half cocked with an atitude and looking for the answer he really wants to hear weather its right or wrong, just as long as it fits his purpose, is all that counts with him....if not throw more money at it and hope it fixes itself.


Ya jknow there are folks out there that can take a el cheapo tank, play sand, home made rocks, cobble up a filter system, mix their own salt water, make their stands and hoods etc and have a beautiful setup, one would think a professional did. Then there are those that even with buying everything, that most hobbyists would buy still can not do it an dhave it work without major problems, then there is still those that think if I buy the best that money can buy it will have to work, as thats why it costs more and things are all figured out so I only have to throw money at it and the thing falls into place and viola a functioning perfect setup. Bill falls into the later catagory. jjUntil he learns by followoing folks without a vested interest like a LFS has, he is doomed to forever fail and have matter how much money he throws at it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cool99bomb
What kind of research (if any) have you done?? First off your suppose to wash the sand and if its live sand DONT WASH IT. Because that kills the bacteria making it dead sand =)). Your suppose to put the sand THEN the water. Not the water first.
lfs said that since it is real it wont fogg the tank for very long
i mean how much research on ls can you doo? (dont answer that)


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Hey Bruce. thats your opinion and your entitled to it. So do not try and deprive me of my right to believe Bill is an idiot that does not have common sense or the ability to follow directions. He is just a person that goes off half cocked with an atitude and looking for the answer he really wants to hear weather its right or wrong, just as long as it fits his purpose, is all that counts with him....if not throw more money at it and hope it fixes itself.
ok so if you dont like how ppl are commenting on your commment cus they said you have a low self of steem then how do you think it makes me feeel? please stop we are all her for the same reason!
come on im sure no one was down your throat cus you were a newbie come on gimmie a chance