foggy tank =bad for fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Well, what I meant by backwards, and dont take offence to this, is you set up your tank, then ask questions, not the other way around. Sorta like youre wanting to get another mandarin even though one is being harrased, PLEASE DONT TAKE OFFENCE TO THIS IM JUST TRYING TO HELP please? And GSD why do you like to ruin other peoples days, its just rude, would youlike me to ruin your day, I think not! And I find people like you GSD who are stupid enough to think like you do are CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT!!!! FYI, Im a nerd in school, who seems to be some of he cheap entertainment in school, and I dont like it.
i am not getting a another madarin btw it was ba di attmit it. i dont take offence but i go to the lfs they tell me that i can set it up one way or anohter i go home and go on this website with questions after
see non of this would of happend if i never came here and my tank would be a mess so your only helping but when you keep giving ude comments then it comes to a point where it is doing more worse then good so please stop with the comments(not reef diver) but in gerneral we are all here to do the same thing and most of us are here for help and to fgive advice


So when are youo gonna follow advice..whats your water parameters......saying is one thing doing is another. When I started with saltwater there was no such thing as an internet forum, and help was virtually non-existent, except to try and duplicate what a lfs had......which for most was out of the quesiton due to equipment being homemade or expensive and hard to find....In todays day and age those just are not sufficiient for an excuse not to do it right. Out of all the advice folks gave you have taken none, and no one has really come down on any one that gave advice for giving bad advice now have they, yet you know from past experieince your LFS is in it for a vested reason.......your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Hummm, how old are you people? You sound like 1st graders. Bill, you may have sand that is fine particaled, full of silt...this has happened to me. Chin up, it will clear and wont hurt your fish. I don't know what has happened in the past between you and GSD but can't you guys talk to eachother without calling names? Now shake hands and say your sorry.

reef diver

Active Member
When I started with saltwater there was no such thing as an internet forum, and help was virtually non-existent
quite frankly, if you are as old as this is saying(ie 30'sor 40's) then it suprises me to find someone puklling their fun from someone elses torment. Both of you,this is just sad, liven up and be yor age.
Now shake hands and say your sorry.
YEs what she said also, keep in mind sometimes it can be hard to follow advice here, at ur LFS you can see them eye to eye, and now I know MY lfs can be trusted, given their awesome rep, but not every LFS is that way. I had a hard time, and I still do, but on delicate situations, I ask here, cause I no my question will be answered


I don't trust a thing the LFS tell me, I had one lady tell me that lighting don't matter and she uses straight tap water. Their tanks are constantly being shut down due to losses. I don't buy animals from them just salt and dry goods. They will tell you anything to make money, just because they work there dosen't mean they know anything about what they are doing...especially if it's a chain. I ALWAYS do research first, or come here and ask advise. And that is BS about the info, there have been books since the age of man! Many books have been writen on the subject of reefkeeping, and they are free if you go to your local library. If you are serious about SW you will do anything to make sure your animals are healthy and happy.
You can add sand after water, I have an established reef and have added sand for a deeper bed and replenish the little mico organisums, I use a small plastic cup and place it where I want it. It takes awhile but means less stirring things up. Ocean sand dosen't stay in one spot, it is constantly being moved around with the tides, & storms bringing new life. The fish will filter any small particals out through the gills, no worries. Bill do some research, lots of books and internet help, if you are making the same mistakes over and over again you need to look are not learning or growing. No need for name calling or belittling, there is enough of that out in the world.