foggy water


It is clear today, but yesterday it wasn't. I have been having on going problem's with cloudy water. Some suggested an algae bloom or a bacteria bloom. Good or bad? Any suggestions.


You need to post a lot more information to get help.
When did you last test your water?
What were the readings?
How long has the tank been set up?
Can you post a picture?
Have you tried running carbon?
What is in your tank (LR, fish, inverts, corals)?


did a partial water change a couple days ago. Using activated carbon
specific gravity 1.021
nitrite o
ph 8.0
amonia 0
tested this morning.
Live rock, inverts, corals.
tank has been up since first part of december
(No, can't post a pic)


So your tank has been running fine since December, no problems, then all of a sudden one day it is cloudy? Is that right?
What kind of filter are you using? How long since you rinsed some of the filter media and/or rinsed off any foam mechanical filtration?


Active Member
Also what kinda fish do you have some fish are known to fan the sand when another fish gets near some use it as a deffence and others use it when there digging a hole. And I think some use it as intimedation.


filter is an emporer 400, rather new carbons. Cleaned the entire thing about a week and 1/2 ago.
blue damsel
striped 'nasty' damsel
perc clown
lawn mower blenny
hawaiian puffer
dominoe damsel
gosh, to dam(sel) many damsels, but they are cheap. Gonna trade them back towards nicer fish when the tank is older and we are more experienced. damsel damsel damsel. Geez. Least if they croak...or should I say...quit blowing bubbles....I am not flushing a lot of $$$$ like before


Active Member
IMO damsles can be very apealing but I can tell you be ready to strip your tank down to ketch them most ppl have to take all the rock out to get them.


lol, so much for my cloudy water!!! I don't even find the damsels appealing, but since we are new at this, wanted hardy fish until we get the hang of things and the tank ages. We would rather have really nice exotic fish, but considering the only lfs store that carries anything but damsels and clowns is an hours drive one way and we haven't had time to get down there. Some day. I'd order of swf...but don't want to order so much at one time and no one lives close enough to split an order. anyway...the water is not cloudy now, but I'm betting as soon as I do another water change, it will be again. We will see,doing it saturday if I live through tomorrow...........I gotta work and it is soooooooooooo stinkin boring.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Maybe I'll set up a few hundred fish tanks in the office to keep me occupied...


Active Member
Some damsles are really apealing but are really mean. Clowns are damsles to lol. Im kinda the same way my only "local" source for saltwater anything is in springfield and that is an 1 and 1/2 away alittle over 100 miles!