food for cleaners


New Member
Hi, I recently got one of the reef packages is offering. They are now in my 60g tank. My tank has been running for about a month and a half now. Can anyone tell me what I need to feed these cleaners? Cause I put them there to take care of the brown algaes on my rocks. And they did. But what I want to know now is, do I need to give them any kind of food?...Thanks

bang guy

You'll have to be more specific about the cleaners. Snails, Hermits, etc... species and quantities will help if you know them.

clown jr

as for the snails and hermits, they will clean up the tank by eating detritus and algae and other microbes in the substrate. these guys should be fine without extra feeding.
for the shrimp.... what kind are they because some, cleaners especially, will eat parasites and dead skin off other fish ( although this doesnt always fill them ) and a coral banded will usually love to have a meal of krill every once in a while. so what kind of shrimp do you have? this will help us get back to you.

bang guy


Originally posted by arn
snails, hermit crabs, shrimps

The Crabs & Shrimps will probably scavenge and be fine. You may want to feed a little extra so they don't start eating snails or your detrivores.
For the snails it will depend on the species you have. Some will scavenge but most only eat Diatoms and will starve without a steady supply.


New Member
I have about 5 peppermint shrimps and 1 coral banded shrimp....If i have to give them food, what kind of food do i give them and where can I get that?...thanks


Active Member
i have a peppermint/2 cleaners/1 camel back, when i feed my fish they just snack on that... seems to make them happy
i feed my fish frozen brine/prime reed/formula 2.. once cube everyother day (one day brine next feeding day prime reef ect)
and on off days put a piece of sea weed selects, they love that too