food for clowns


Active Member
If you have a clove of garlic either finely mince it and or puree and soak the shrimp. Minced garlic in a jar has some liquied you could pour off but that is all I can come up with. What do you have for garlic at home? Just make sure it only contains garlic, no artificial ingredients or anything.


Mine are doing the same. I just tried to feed them Prime reef flakes, Tetra Marine flakes, and some frozen mega marine. I believe one of them ate a little bit of the mega marine.
They don't really go after the food at all even though they seem hungry. I don't know what is going on with them. Will they eat the food off of the top of the water or does it have to be sinking?
Originally Posted by treybomb
just got mine 2 days ago and they used to eat brine shrimp and some color enhacing flakes they dont show much interest in either and barely eat any of it
what should i do?? algae sheets??


My formula one pellets have garlic. Shouldn't that entice them? I just got them yesterday.
They seem to have no interest in the formula one pellets.
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Was this what they have been eating since coming home with you or is this what they were being fed prior (or both)?? Have you tried soaking the food in garlic juice/garlic oil/minced garlic to tempt their tummies? Try some type of garlic or garlic extract. If this doesn't work watch for any signs of illness- lethargy, rapid breathing, unusual spots etc..


Active Member
probably not. Clownfish are mainly carniverous. A little big of greens would be good, but they will get that in any prepared foods. I doubt they would eat algae sheets.


Active Member
Hopefully you will both get your clowns to eat today. How is everyhting else in the tank? Have you tested all your water levels to make sure nothing is off? Sometimes new fish take a day or two to eat, hopefully that is all that is going on. No signs of illness right?


It funny I came across this thread. My clowns who I have had for about 6 months have just recently stopped eating. They look very healthy, and have no visual sighs do decease. They just all of a sudden stopped eating. I have a variety of food they and the rest of the fish get in the tank. The only think I can think of it they are grazing on the live rock. They do from time to time take bites out of the algae sheets I have in there for the angel and my blenny. But they only eat them every so often. Its only been two days now since they have ignored, everything I have thrown into the tank. They look at it, and just swim past.


Well, I looked in my tank this morning and only saw one clown swimming around. After I got to work I asked my wife to turn the lights on and look for the other clown. He was in the back of the tank getting eaten by a crab.

I bought them on Saturday and they have not eaten ever since I put them in. My levels were perfect on Saturday when I put them in. I also acclimated them for two hours. I could not have done anything any better. My shrimp, urchin, crabs, and snails seem fine. My urchin finally ate some seaweed last night.
Maybe they had problems before I bought them. What are signs of illness I should be looking for? They were not fighting at all. They were very friendly together. I should have known better to buy them from that crappy national pet chain.
Ill check my levels when I get home.


I got my clowns 2 days ago and they are not really eating. I noticed that they are toward the middle of my tank (height wise) and they don't swim to the top to eat the brine shrimp flakes and they don't search the bottom of the tank for the pellets that sank. They only catch the food as it is falling and only if it pass by in front of their face. That makes it very hard to feed. 30% of the flakes flows to the filter. I have to use my finger and push the flake down so it sinks slowly. Is this normal clown fish behavior and is there a way to make feeding easier? I don't want to have food scattered in the bottom of my tank. I have some hermit crabs, but I don't think they can keep up with all that food.
I got a yellow clown goby at the same time and he has not eaten at all. He doesn't go near the food that I try to give him. I clipped small peices of shrimp on the tank and he doesn't go near there either. Any suggestions how I get him to eat.


I got mine two days ago as well. I have the same exact thing happening. One of my clowns was dead this morning and was being eaten by a crab. The other one will still not eat.
Originally Posted by kengaroo
I got my clowns 2 days ago and they are not really eating. I noticed that they are toward the middle of my tank (height wise) and they don't swim to the top to eat the brine shrimp flakes and they don't search the bottom of the tank for the pellets that sank. They only catch the food as it is falling and only if it pass by in front of their face. That makes it very hard to feed. 30% of the flakes flows to the filter. I have to use my finger and push the flake down so it sinks slowly. Is this normal clown fish behavior and is there a way to make feeding easier? I don't want to have food scattered in the bottom of my tank. I have some hermit crabs, but I don't think they can keep up with all that food.
I got a yellow clown goby at the same time and he has not eaten at all. He doesn't go near the food that I try to give him. I clipped small peices of shrimp on the tank and he doesn't go near there either. Any suggestions how I get him to eat.


Active Member
that sounds like normal clownfish behavior to me.
they like to stay where they feel safe. i've had mine for roughly 18 months and the female goes out no more than 10" and the male 5" from their home anemone.


Active Member
Like snailheave said, sometimes the clowns do not venture to far, they are poor swimmers and prefer to hover in their own area of the tank.....then again, others will do back flips for a flake or pellet.

Hmmm.....what were they feeding the watchman at LFS (or did he come from on-line)? If you can call where he was purchased from to find out what he is used to eating. My gobies will eat mysis shrimp, cyclopeeze, flake, pellet and frozen formula two. Not much help I know but I believe they are big fans of anything shrimp-like or cyclopeeze-like. Is the watchman going to investigate the food or does it seem intimidated, uninterested? You can try turning off all power heads and filtration for the next feeding if you havn't already. Also adding a drop or two of something like Kent's Garlic Xtreme can help entice a fish to eat.


Active Member
if they only eat in the mid-section, then get some frozen foods, chop it up, and feed little pieces. as long as you have moderate flow, it will stay mid range for a while.