food ?


What should I feed these fish?
-clown goby
-bicolor blenny
-2 true percula clowns
Those are the fish a plan on putting into my 29g tank and I was wondering what I should feed them... Name brands would be a good thing to include in your post lol


:happyfish Hi, my gobies/blennies love "prime reef" flakes and also "formula 1&2". Other than that I soak some frozen brine in "kent marine, Zoe" and some "garlic Xtreme" for nutrients and vitamins and garlic is for appetite, and warding off infections. Good luck


Active Member
My percula loves mysis shrimp. I have frozen ones. He doesn't eat anything else, except for a few flatworms here and there.

barry cuda

That perc really should be getting a more-varied diet for optimal nutrition. If nothing else, he's likely to have his colors fade unless he gets more than mysis. You might consider adding krill, Formula1, and/or a few other things to round out the diet. Bob Fenner has a nice recipe for a cheap, easy, nutritious make-at-home fish food in The Conscientious Marine Aquarist if you have access to a copy of that book.


New Member
Wilkerson in her Clownfishes book also has a couple feeding tips including several recipes. She actually feeds some beef heart too in her frozen mixture.