

I know it is important that these fish get a varied diet. I am wondering what, besides flake food, will my perc clown eat?
Anyone got some suggestions?
I have been watching him today and he'll eat a little bit of the flakes and then spit it pit then eat it again... i am worried he doesn't like it
Thanks :rolleyes:


New Member
I don't have a perc, but I have a maroon and used to have a perc. Both of them would eat just about anything, the only thing my maroon refuses to eat is the seaweed I feed my tangs. Othere than that. . .anything. He eats the frzen cubes of plants I put in the tank, and blood worms, and brine shrimp, bith alive and frozen. He will steal shrimp and squid I put in for my eel. I think you are safe with most foods, just fomd something h likes until he gets a little more settled in. Then he will probably eat everything :)


I feed my fish a variety of flake foods, frozen brine, and newly hatched live brine. They don't get much of the ve brine since there are so many of them and they are so small, I use the live brine for a futur plan of mine :)