fool proof bulk head installation?


Just wondering if anyone has a tried and true way of installing bulk heads. In the past I've always hand tightened them using the single gasket provided. This works ok, but with the inevitable knocking/ vibration I do get some salt creep/minimal leaking. Am I just not tightening enough? I've heard mention of using silicone, does this help? Or, am I just asking the impossible?


Active Member
I have bulkheads on my refuge's...I used a pipe wrench to go just a little beyond hand creep, no leak, no nothing...
I tightened mine and then put aquarium sealer that I got at wal-mart around the seal when it was dry and not overflowing and so far I have had no leaking.

bang guy

My experiences:
I use teflon cream on the threads and on both sides of the gasket.
Use only one gasket inside the tank otherwise the bulkhead isn't necessarily flush against the outside and this can cause the inside gasket to have uneven pressure. The Nut goes on the outside.
Tighten until it's firm.. not as tight as you can get it by hand. Only turn the nut, never the piece on the inside. Use a second person if you can't reach it to make sure it doesn't turn. Water test it with fresh water, not salt water. If it leaks tighten only until it stops leaking, no further.


I put a small dab pf vasleine on the seal on the inside, this prevents the bulkhead from turning while you tighten it by hand.

bang guy


Originally posted by lilcheen
i used a wrench with-some- pressure. Is that okay? should i loosen up?

If it's not leaking then don't even touch it!