For a 45 hex reef, first fish tang or algae blenny?


i plan to keep a tand, algae blenny, gobies, and or mandarin, maybe a cardinal or two. I know the 45 is small, but if I want gobies/mandarin, which should I add? Tang or algae.


Btw, this is a stictly territorial question. Choices for tang would be a rgal/hippo or a powder blue, or maybe a blue tang. I don'twant the tang if I get it jumping out of the water to kill stuff 1/5 it's size (approx.).

nm reef

Active Member confused me on that second post.....personally I think a 45 is a bit small for a tang(especially a ick prone powder blue)...and as for a manderian I'd only consider one in a well established set-up that has a large self sustaining pod population...not to mention the fact that a algae blenny and a manderian would be competeing for the same food source.....not a good idea in my opinion :cool:


Originally posted by NM reef:
<strong> confused me on that second post.....personally I think a 45 is a bit small for a tang(especially a ick prone powder blue)...and as for a manderian I'd only consider one in a well established set-up that has a large self sustaining pod population...not to mention the fact that a algae blenny and a manderian would be competeing for the same food source.....not a good idea in my opinion :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>
Sorry abouit that. Yeah the tank is small. I don't see a hippo going crazy grwothwise,but. I never can tell prolly. My clown tang in my 75 maybe grew 1 inch in two years. The algea blenny will compete with the mandarin for copepods? FWIW, that would be prolly almost the last fish I'd add vbecause, as you know, copepods or amphipod supplies.
My proposed list of fish:
1 hippo or blue or powder blue
1 algae blenny
1 mandarin /possible?
2-3 yellow or other gobies Cndystripe? The diminutive ones not sleepers or jawfish
2 banjaai cardinals or pj cardinals OR
2 perculas
The cardinals are up in the air, also fairy wrasses. Possibly, no experience with them, but I had a pair ofsixlines at one point in my 75.


Are algae blennies agrssive if added first? I want to head off any microalgae at the pass. That's why I want the tang or blenny in there first, fwiw. I've been relatively succesful with tangs in the past.


I totally agree with NM a 45 would be to small for a Tang especially a hex. I would go with the blenny over the Mandrian. Just my 2 cents.


Originally posted by ak_reefer:
<strong>I totally agree with NM a 45 would be to small for a Tang especially a hex. I would go with the blenny over the Mandrian. Just my 2 cents.</strong><hr></blockquote>
To kill the algae growth w/o a tang? :)


Well, i went, and no fish. HAD a lovely atfernoon at the fish store. No fish for me ywt.
But still wold a tang be safe to add first if i want cardinals and gobies later, or should the gobie come first, ie, algae blenny?
I realize it is not a science with fish and habitat coming to play, but recommendations wou;ld be great.


FWIW I DID MANAGE TO BUY $100 in chemicals, more tests, andt he like. Koprdon's tests are just too iusafe for me, anmd have expiration too boot. Guess i'll be tetra man since they seem to be much safer.


Active Member
the algae blenny will NOT compete with the mandarin for food, scooters maybe, but not algae, they get their name from the fact that they eat algae, they are strict herbivores, and mandarins primarilly eat pods, so that is not aprob, as for the blenny, some say he may be aggressive if added first, but IMEO they have been no prob for anything except my tang, and only because of food, if one eants what the other wants, they push each other a bit(both equally) and it is kinda cute, but no damage to either, and ours was the very first fish added
you said it, a 45 hex(especially) is a bit small for a tang, they really should have 4 ft or more of swimming area, it is not a matter of out grownig the tank, as much as swim space, so i would avooid gittingone


I would stay away from the tangs, especially in that kind of tank. If you want a nice looking fish that won't outgrow it, try dwarf angels, clowns, cardinals, six line wrasses or some gobies.


Thanks all.
I don't trust dwarf angels with polyps in an invert tank. Maybe a cherub, but . . ., anyone have good experience with dwarf angels (centropyge spp.) in a reef? I'd get a genicanthus probably, but then size of the fish begins a problem again like with tangs. :(
Ho hum. I might go with a blenny like the algae blenny, similar shape, size, and mouth. It has orange spots over a whitish body.
Will have to wait.