Well, I initially aquired my tank off a guy and it came with my a damsel, along with a few others. Having owned a 90gal FWLR in my earlier days, I knew of the bad reputation that damsels had. At first glance I saw no signs of aggression and thought since the tank had been "established" for some time, that he was the exception to the rule. Boy was I wrong. He chases everything from my chromis to my tang. Of course this is after I added 200lbs of LR too. So for a week now, I've been trying the fish trap method with no luck. Every single other fish would swim into the trap, sometimes all at once, and he wouldn't even go near the opening. Therefore, my only option is to remove my rock this weekend until I get him the old fashioned way. My point: Make sure you do extensive research and fully understand the nature of a fish, before you add it to your aquarium. Save yourself the trouble and wish me luck...