for all you newbs who want a damsel...


Well, I initially aquired my tank off a guy and it came with my a damsel, along with a few others. Having owned a 90gal FWLR in my earlier days, I knew of the bad reputation that damsels had. At first glance I saw no signs of aggression and thought since the tank had been "established" for some time, that he was the exception to the rule. Boy was I wrong. He chases everything from my chromis to my tang. Of course this is after I added 200lbs of LR too. So for a week now, I've been trying the fish trap method with no luck. Every single other fish would swim into the trap, sometimes all at once, and he wouldn't even go near the opening. Therefore, my only option is to remove my rock this weekend until I get him the old fashioned way. My point: Make sure you do extensive research and fully understand the nature of a fish, before you add it to your aquarium. Save yourself the trouble and wish me luck...


This is a great testimonial to all those who think their "cute" damsels won't turn aggressive. What do we know right?


Active Member
have you tried a very very small fishing hook (barb removed)? also, make sure the filiment is very very small--almost invisible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
This is a great testimonial to all those who think their "cute" damsels won't turn aggressive. What do we know right?

now, that's just a negative post and you should be ashamed of yourself!
someone may think they are getting flamed or something...


no, i never tried the fishing hook theory. I am affraid I'd catch my one of my shrimp or my tang before i caught him. Anytime I put something new in the tank, he darts behind the rocks and my patience is wearing very, very thin. Maybe this weekend, I run to Gander Mount and give it a shot. Lol, I'll let you know the outcome.


Active Member
put a piece of shrimp on it. don't feed the tank for a couple days and get him nice and hungry. if you get the invisible filament for the hook, all it will see is the shrimp :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
*ALL* Damsels? (sorry, so painfully new to all of this!!)

Yes all damsels... I have never heard of one particular type to not be as aggressive as the others. Although there maybe the 1 or 2 out there that isnt thats just a fluke. IMO


Active Member
ok, fair enough.... I don't want to hijack the thread so can you suggest where I should look for a list of suitable (very small) fish for an 8g nano? (Not adding fish yet...not at that point, still feeling overwhelmed with all the reading lol) Thanks in advance :)


Active Member
I dont believe there is one place dedicated to small fish.. but a couple of idea's. You might be able to get away with 2 neon goby's a blue stripe and a yellow stripe. They hide alot but they have nice colors and they stay very small. Or perhaps 1 firefish, purple firefish are really colorful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlwoods007
no, i never tried the fishing hook theory. I am affraid I'd catch my one of my shrimp or my tang before i caught him. Anytime I put something new in the tank, he darts behind the rocks and my patience is wearing very, very thin. Maybe this weekend, I run to Gander Mount and give it a shot. Lol, I'll let you know the outcome.
So you can use the fish trap to get every other fish out (since they seem to go into it) and then hook the damsel!


New Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
No, not all damsels. Remember that clownfish are damsels and are highly recommended as a good addition.

I have 1 clown and 1 damsel and they get along great! they will even hide out together. hahaha I was skeptical to get one because of what i hear...


Chromis are a damsel too, and they're peaceful. I caught a blue damsel once, with a net, got up early while it was still dark, turned on the tank light, chased the damsel out from behind his rock with a small net, straight into the big net round the front - still dunno if it was just a fluke, or whether he was just still asleep...but it worked!


well all, good news... HE'S GONE!!! After working friday and sat, I couldn't get myself to even think about catching him on Sunday. After I got off of work yesterday, I went at it. Luckily since my roomate and I are huge fish enthusiasts, I had enough containers to pull out my LR (was gonna try the hook approach, but figured taking it all out was the only sure way). After yanking approx 250lbs out of the 300lbs LR that i have, I got him. I just scared him out of the remaining rock with two nets in hand. I had him in the corner of the glass and just kept moving each net closer and closer, and then wham! All i can say is thank god. That and never again, lol. Now my rock is back in, and all my corals seem to be doing fine. I just sucks, because now I'm not happy with my aquascaping. I cannot wait until everything is in place, the tank's stocked, and I can sit back with just doing the "normal" maintanence. Lol, one day. Anyhow, just wanted to give ya an update, and all to all you noobs, incase you haven't figured it out yet... DAMSELS + reef = ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
"I cannot wait until everything is in place, the tank's stocked, and I can sit back with just doing the "normal" maintanence. Lol, one day. " Quote

Sorry to laugh, but this never happens. As soon as you think you are through you buy a bigger tank


Active Member
I have a repulsive, evil, yellow damsel in my frag tank. He puffs up like a pitbull and attacks my hand everytime i'm in the tank. He will bites and darts away, bites and darts away and will do this for hours.....He even swims up to the glass when I'm JUST walking by and will actually pace me all the way across the tank, with this look of "bring it on"


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I have a repulsive, evil, yellow damsel in my frag tank. He puffs up like a pitbull and attacks my hand everytime i'm in the tank. He will bites and darts away, bites and darts away and will do this for hours.....He even swims up to the glass when I'm JUST walking by and will actually pace me all the way across the tank, with this look of "bring it on"
mine wasn't nearly that bad. He would've been gone a long time ago if he was. Just make sure he doesn't "accidentally" go in your bigger tank if you ever upgrade. It was funny with mine too, because once I caught him, i had him in a five gallon bucket that was right next to my bins of LR. I made sure to move the bucket all the way across the room just so he'd have no chance of jumping out and into one of the bins, lol.


I am complete oposite of everyone else I have 2 percs 2 3 stripe and 2 dominos and 2 mandarins in my tank right now with no problems in fact I think everyone is paring up the 3 stripes are on one side of the tank the dominos in the middle and the percs on the far side and of corse the mandarins are hiding and flaunting in the back. I just hope that if the do breed and lay eggs the raid each others nest I am not setup for babies especially the mandarins even though that would be kewl if it happened LOL
BTW I like damsels if you cant tell