For Beth , Please Help


About 3 or 4 days ago I noticed a black spot on my clowns lip... it looked level with his skin. How it looks slightly like a hole just by the lip. The only chnages in my tank have been that I have had green hair alge start to grow, and one day i left the lights on all night by mistake. What could this be... If u have any idea I would greatly apperciate it... i have had this guy the whole three months ! :eek:


Staff member
What kind of clownfish do you have, and what other living creatures do you have in the tank?
How big is the spot? How is the fish behaving otherwise? Breathing, swiming, normal or abnormal behavior, eating, etc.?


i have two perc clowns. a star fish (cc), and one blue legged crab. I did have a red scallop but it died. I have has the two clowns for about 2 months.
The spot is maybe a little bit raised, black in color, and oval like. (looks like it may have gotten bigger)
The fish is swimming around as normal, eating normal.. but the last day he has been leaving his lip open. Maybe breathing has changed.
does this help? if u need more info let me know


Just noticed something more... the fish was tring to eat, but looked like he couldn't becasue of his lip... where the black is almost looks swollen.
Also there was a very thin line of something coming out of his underbody
Can anyone help....
doesnt have to be Beth


Hello???? Terry can you help me please>?>> I have the two post on here with lots of info.
Alos just to tell you I checked water again today and it all seems fine. Perameters are good.
What can this be? :confused: :confused:


Staff member
Well, I must say this is very strange. I believe I heard on this BB resently about a few other people exp. similiar problem [with the mouth and lip] with their percs. I believe the end result was they healed on their own. However, the other thing, I'm not sure of at all. Is it feces? A worm? Color and length?


ok beth, it was long and white in color.
Get this... not only has the little lip thing gotten biger, but looks like what ever it is is eating through the lip!!!
And if I am not mistaken, My starfish (cc) looks to be dead in the tank?? WHat is going on here...
my water checks out all fine.
Eveerything has been fine up until now! :eek: :mad: :confused:


Staff member
If the starfish is dead, then get him out fast, as it will pollute the tank fast. Could the crab and the perc be battling when you're not looking?
As for the guess is feces. Is the fish still eating and otherwise acting normal? Can you remove him/her to a hospital tank. A perc would not require a big tank. How is the other perc now?


OOH no.. i bet hes been for two days maybe one... ill take him out. They are actually acting weird ... goin into the LR rock.. they never did this. I will go take that out now.
Other fish with the lip problem.. he is finding it hard to eat!
Ill report backl soon


Staff member
Please to a check of your water readings. Ammonia, Nitrite and PH. If the star has been dead in the tank for a day or so, then your tank could be in real trouble. Why did you leave it in the tank if it was dead???
Also, you didn't say if you have a separate hospital tank?


Ok .. I left it in there becasue I though that in the ocean things die and no one takes them out. I didn;t realize the damage it could do. Its out now!!!
I have checked water... all seems fine, but fish did not eat today when i fed them !
No i haven't a hospital tank. I am working on that.


Staff member
Becky: You must be very new to the hobby, if you didn't realize that you needed to remove a dead animal. Can I ask you to post your water readings here. Salinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and PH. Also, if you have ever put copper in this tank, post those reading as well. Post temp as well.
Now, I would suggest that you do a 50% water change, and, if you have a carbon filter, use it. Also, please give some details as to the filtration that you have going in your tank.
At this point I believe your problem is an environmental one which why I am asking for this info at this time. Even so, go ahead and do the water change and add the carbon filtration if you can.


im just wondering what type of starfish was this, did you ajust it to the tank over like 4 hours (thats how it should be done) how long have you had everything set up and when you got the starfish?


ok Beth, gonna post readings today... ill take them as soon as i get out of work. Then ill do a water change.
To aquaman... It was a choclate chip star. My tank has been set up for about 3 1/2 months. I acclimated it for about 1 1/2 hrs. Guy at the fish store said 30 mins... i didnt think that sounded right. I have Learned not to trust them! :(


Beth this is sad to say but, When i went home that day to do water change it was too late. Both fish died. I assume like u said that it was the star fish ..
Where do I start now? Do I have to begin with all new water because mine is polluted? Can you tell me what to do because I want to do it right. My fish were doing fine until the star died.. i guess no more inverts for me :( :( :(


Staff member
Becky: When anything dies in your aquarium it must be removed as soon as you find out about it. Living things that die, end up rotting, and in a closed system like an aquarium, that can be lethal.
Do you have any fish in the tank left? I'd still like to know what all your readings say: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, phosphate.
I would do a 50% water change. After knowing what your water tests say, and when you tell me if you have put and, if so, what kind of chemicals or meds in the tank, I'll advise you about whether you should continue to work with this tank, or start anew.


ok .. i will take down the readings... then coem back and let u the way there are no medications in the tank at all... also no fish left in the tank. I only had two and was getting ready for a lemon peel.