? for Frogspawn owners...


Hi. I bought a frogspawn from my LFS owner last week and I have a question. The piece I bought came from my LFS owners main display tank that he took down because he moved his shop nextdoor to his original shop. The coral is on this small branch looking thing. There are three white empty places where he said there were Frogspawn connected but they died during the move. So, at the end of the 4th branch there is the lone frogspawn that survied the move. Is this all the frogspawn I will have or do they spread in any way? The Frogspawn is doing great in my tank and is nice and full and seems to like where I placed it. My LFS owner said that I could cut off the branches that no longer have frogspawn on them anymore, because they died during the move. I know they do not spread like regular corals, but do they get bigger or what? I was just wondering what to look for, etc.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks


Somewhere beyond where the meat of the head is (at the base) you may someday see some branching occuring, that is where new heads will form and branch off.


Active Member
i think that as they build there skel. they will get bigger but i am not realy sure how it works. how big is the one you have. my lfs gave me one with three heads on it, they are really cool looking


Baby, my Frogspawn originally had 4 heads, but my LFS owner said that three died off due to his move. I have one nice sized head on this branch now which is why I asked if I would get any more. I do not know anything about frogspawn, but it is doing really well in my tank.
By the way, I just stuck this branch like thing in a hole between two rocks halfway up my tank. I did this so the branch like thing would not get blown around. It seems to like it there. I hope this is how you place frogspawn.


Active Member
That one head that is left will grow bigger and eventually split into a separate branch, provided you give it good care.


You could cut off the old branches they wont grow back and will probably get algae growth on them. The lone head will split and grow 2 branches and will keep repeating if it gets good care. Make sure your cal. and alk. are good.


HK, my LFS owner also said that I could cut off the bare heads as well if I wanted to for the same reasons you gave. Do I just use a knife or what? Do I cut off the entire branch portion which the head is attached to? Also, my calcium is fine, but I need to buffer my Alk every other day just to keep it in the 8-12 range, otherwise it would remain at 7, which I know is to low.


You could just brake it thats what I do to mine. If you dont want to risk it you could use garden snips or a hacksaw blade.


Active Member
ive had my frog now for about a year and its one of the slowest growing corals i have
ive got 3 heads 2 of them are splitting but havent grown fast they are seperated but the stalk hasnt grown them apart so its really 5 heads just 2 on each end are still stuck together
anwyays if i were u id just get rid of the old skeleton if u want if u dont no worries just leave it
good luck


Thanks everybody for your sage advise. For now I think I will keep the empty branches on because they brace the piece in its current spot. I figured this was a slow growing coral. Thank you for confirming that. I do like it. The single head I have on it is nice and plump after the feeding I gave it this morning. I also buffered my alk this morning.
Thanks everybody for your posts. They are very much appreciated.


Active Member
Nana hugs- my frogspawn is very fast growing ,I fragg it about every 6 to 8 weeks and in that time it doubles in size again(the LFS loves me) I think it depends on water parameters and finding a spot in the tank they really love .They are pretty


Originally Posted by misfit
Nana hugs- my frogspawn is very fast growing ,I fragg it about every 6 to 8 weeks and in that time it doubles in size again(the LFS loves me) I think it depends on water parameters and finding a spot in the tank they really love .They are pretty

You frag it every 6-8 weeks??? You are growing new branches that are big enough to frag in 6-8 weeks? Are you feeding it steriods?


Wow misfit, that's awesome! I am assuming that you frag frogspawn by simply breaking off the new branches. I really like this coral even though I believe I overpaid for it a bit. It really seems to like where it is in my tank. I just got back from the LFS where I bought it and they tested my water. My DKH is 10 and my calcium is 400 which he said was fine. I figured my DKH would be up after buffering. My corals all look really good when my DKH is up as well.
Anyway, congrats on your fast growing frogspawn. How much does your LFS give you for a frogspawn frag? Just curious.


Active Member
Rappa ,no steroids,hahahah
just luck, it seems to have just taken off.Someone gave us a frag and it took a while for it to start growing fast but now it grows like mad and so does my hammer coral.Its like the grass growing in the summer the more you cut it the faster it grows!!


Originally Posted by misfit
Nana hugs- my frogspawn is very fast growing ,I fragg it about every 6 to 8 weeks and in that time it doubles in size again(the LFS loves me) I think it depends on water parameters and finding a spot in the tank they really love .They are pretty
:thinking: Are you sure it is frogspawn? I have never heard of it being able to build a skeleton that quickly. They are more known as very slow growing/spreading coral.