For my FW friends


Active Member
What is a cherry shrimp? Went to a LFS and saw they had quite a few of them in their tank. They looked really cool and kinda small. I was wondering if I got a pair of them if they would be ok in my daughter's tank. Her current inhabitants are:
Micky Platty
Neon Tetra
Green Cory Cat
Panda Cory Cat
Ghost shrimp (? I think thats what it is)
5 gallon tank with the green water gone due to no lights on for a while and better feeding habits by Evie.
Gonna go strech my google-fu muscles on cherry shrimp.


Active Member
I thought she had an amano shrimp. Anyways amano shrimp and cherry shrimp are good. Ghost shrimp may eat smaller cherries. I had small one's and my cories ate them. I have seen them really small and I think anything on your list especially the cories will eat them. I have been looking for biggers ones but no luck.


Active Member
It probably is an amano shrimp. But all the fish will eat these cherry shrimp? They were in a tank with other fish. They looked cool.


Active Member
How big are they Monsi, the one's that I have seen are like 1/4" long. If they are with other fish then they should be fine.


Active Member
3/4 to 1" in length. My daughter saw them but didnt think about getting one as she was focused on her fish. If I got 2, would that be an over crowded 5 gallon tank?


Active Member
I think you should be fine, as far as I have read shrimp don't count on the bio load, some guys on another forum i go to have 20 or 30 of these in small tanks, you should be fine with two or three. I have about 10 or 12 amano shrimp in my 65 planted tank and they do great along with the nerite snails. These things breed really easy a lot of people keep them in a species only tank, there is a real following for these things they actually grade them based on on their colors. Good luck you will be fine.


Active Member
I have decided to upgrade my daughter's FW tank from 5 to 10g. This will ensure that there wont be a problem with these shrimp if/when i get them. I also got her the Fluval C2 HOB filter for the tank. It is a suprise that she will get once she gets home from school. I cant wait to see her face when she sees it. I wonder what other fish she is going to want in the tank. Al, can you recomend a compatability guide to me for FW tanks?